Unable to Complete Thrall Placement Journeys

Cannot complete Master Cook Journey. Does not allow me to complete quest when placing any thrall cook, even named.

I have tried unnamed and named cooks, and different improved stoves but cannot complete the master cook journey.

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Well known bug, been broke for a while, welcome to funcom.

Same here :frowning: it happened also with the master chef journey, and the thrall taker journey


Could you please give us the following information:

  • Platform you play on (PS4/PS5)
  • Game mode (online official, single-player, …); If you play on an Official Server, please enter its number.
  • Server type (PvE, PvP or PvE-C)

Thank you in advance.

  • Platform you play on (PS4/PS5)
  • Game mode (online official, single-player, …); If you play on an Official Server, please enter its number.
  • Server type (PvE, PvP or PvE-C

Im in PS5, PVE official 3500. Whenever I pass large structures, my game crashes.

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