I used to be able to craft the cursed tree, I bought it when it was first offered, I’ve placed it before…but now I cannot craft it. I buy Bazaar items, just to have them disappear??
The Cursed Tree was from the Age of Sorcery Chapter 2 battle pass, not the Bazaar.
If you bought and finished that battle pass, then you are still having an issue, but if you think you bought it from the Bazaar, you are misremembering.
That does not change the fact that if they have acquired the item, via the battle pass or via the BLB, then suddenly now they are no longer able to craft said item, this begs the question as to why? Unfortunately @Helkat did not provide very much information, such as if this is on an official server, a private server, a modded server, offline / solo play. Have they attempted to use the admin pannel to obtain the cursed tree? Can they see it in their list of Ancestral Knowledge? There is a lot of information that could be very helpful that is missing.
It happens to me often on single player not to be able to use bp or bazzar items. I have to restart console and make sure i am connected to Funcom live services!
I attempted to obtain cursed tree through admin panel. Private server. No downloaded mods. Online play. Cursed tree is no longer listed in my Ancestral knowledge. Playing online. Not Solo. I used to be able to place cursed tree, now I cannot. Name of server: United PVE 5x ALL No Wipe.
OK so I decided to run a little test for you. I first went into my offline game and sure enough I have the cursed tree in both my ancestral knowledge and I can spawn it just find via the admin panel.
However I cannot find your server listed. I was going to try to create a character on there to see if I could still see the Cursed Tree in my Ancestral Knowledge when I logged onto your server but…I can’t find it. Can you DM me an IP address?
Edit: Actually, you didn’t specify this either. You are on PC right?
I am on PC and other player on the same server is not having problem. He can spawn the tree.
Does not matter where I got it. I used to have it and now I do not. But thanks anyway.
Some decorative things changed locations to where you build them. Some went to the building hammer and some to the artisans table.
If it is on artisans table then place the filter special it will be easier to be found. If you won’t find it there then it must be on your building hammer. If you play online then you are definitely connected to Funcom live services, so this is not your issue. I am sorry i cannot help more because i never fixed this tree to locate where it’s fixed.
So… @Oduda or @Tephra can you tell us please now where a player must be to fix this tree? Building hammer or artisans table?
It is crafted in the Artisan Table.
That is what I am saying…it is not in my crafting menu on the artisan table and I am unable to spawn it in the admin menu. I used to have it and now I do not. It is gone from my ancestrial knowledge…I no longer have the recipe. I’m not sure how many ways to say this. I just no longer have it. Other ppl on the server that I play can still craft it…I cannot.
Happens frequently to this one, on servers public and private, even single player.
Once in awhile, especially after either unequipping something or opening the Bazaar, suddenly all of the FLS (Bazaar and Battle Pass) items become unavailable. No repairing the tavern keep headband. No copying the pyramid blocks.
The only way to correct is log all the way out of the game and turn it off, then reawaken and reconnect.
This is on PS5 mind you, but the problem, of the item appearing in the knowledge section but not being treated as being owned/known for any purposes, is the same. This one has even had the Battle Pass backtrack a few times and uncollect some rewards.
If restarting the game doesn’t fix it, then I think you’d need to submit a Zendesk ticket with in-game purchase for the issue type, as this topic, which isn’t even a proper bug report, will not be able to resolve the problem.
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