Unknown build limit?

Yeah this is another place I don’t feel we’re getting the true story. I just took down a build that was a massive bridge across a ravine leading to a massive platform with triple wide stairs rising up from it in switchbacks some 8 (double height) stories to a huge 8 story pyramid with foundation and fences all around it - pillars 6 to 9 stories high every 3rd block. And after taking it down piece by piece (with only a few mistakes (deleted pieces) I ended up with less than 1,500 pieces in my inventory. Something like this for example, I guestimate to be only about 5000 to 6000 pieces… My first Conan Exiles Build - Uploaded a tease of it in progress and yet people are claiming 50,000 piece builds. I guess either myself or they can’t actually count. My base is about that size and I used only a hair over 5,000 pieces.

I didn’t think that had ever actually happened - but you say [below] that you believe it has - and you have been here a lot longer than I - so I’ll concede the point.

Yup, that’s just math… But again, let common sense reign supreme. And those without it reap the sundering doom they deserve therefor. :smiley: Too cynical? :innocent:

And in conceding the point I guess I have to wonder how often exactly, and whether or not it was just an admin having a busy or bad day - the blue moon phenomena… People are human, mistakes will happen…

Yup… especially when the false numbers come from those you would otherwise and typically trust the most - or least expect of such distortedly fabrication. Oops!