WALL BLOCK BUG - Right Sloping Inverted Wall

Problem: BUG

Cannot place wall on top of Right Sloping Inverted Sandstone Wall
Hi Guys, I have purchased this game the first week it was released.
Since then this issue has NOT been fixed and am surprised that it continues to be an issue.

Nothing will place on top of the Right Sloping inverted wall. I tried higher tiered right sloping inverted wall with the same result.

Please fix asap!!!

Also, since day one, I though more pieces will be introduced, like the obvious “half” block. Unfortunately you did not create this. I hope you will add this as it is a commonly needed piece for builders out there.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1-Place right sloping inverted wall with out facing out so you can see wood on the inside.
2-Nothing will place on top of this piece now no matter what is done.
3-Needs fixing ASAP!!!

Same issue still with the newest Aquilonian building-pieces.
The left-sloping works: < trying to upload an image here, but Forum tells me NO - because I am a new user… >

The right-sloping, however, is still just as bugged: < trying to upload an image here, but Forum tells me NO - because I am a new user…>

Come on, this needs to be fixed. Kinda ruins the entire building design for me.