"We are currently preparing a hotfix with the *aim* of releasing later next week."

Guys, this thread is turning into my logic eggplant is bigger than yours.
We are all upset, but if you continue like this, I am going to run out of popcorn :smiley:

To give you an honest answer… If I was getting paid to do what I do (ie give back information based on my experience) I might as well do my best to be as understandable as possible.”

That same when you are reporting an issue to the developers, or communicating with forum members.

"Many times I tried to speak from my own point of view and many times to give an insight for others "

And how can they benefit from your insight if they don’t understand what you are saying.

I’m just stating an honest opinion. Sometimes she is liked, and sometimes not.
How would you know if most people just skip your posts?

Skipping the rest of that because like most of your posts it’s just too much effort to translate. But I would like to recommend writing in your language then use google translate and post it. Google translate makes more sense and is easier to read.

Thread is moot. The hotfix is on testlive now and is good.

You just hit on something. The biggest issue I have with the game right now is that they sold me a working product (the game itself), then after I could no longer refund it have chosen to make it defective. Right now it’s a defective mess, the only way to fix it is a full roll back of the most recent update, not a band-aid hotfix, and the best overall fix would be a roll back to pre-sorcery because that’s the only way this is going to go back to being the functional, enjoyable product that I purchased in the first place.

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I must be missing or overlooking something, where are the patch notes documenting what they specifically changed in the patch that’s on testlive?

Ahh ok, I see now, they add to the existing thread but it doesn’t highlight on the screen as being new.


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