"We are currently preparing a hotfix with the *aim* of releasing later next week."

Which doesn’t matter. You know very well, or if you’re as smart as you think you are, you should know, that this is meaningless in the context of this thread. You like to criticize people about context, well the context is “this conversation”. Not the past, not somewhere else, not a Super Bowl commercial, not an alternate universe - in this thread - which is the only context that matters. Your change-of-language occurred later in the thread and you communicated poorly earlier in the thread. That’s the context, and that’s still on you even though you’re trying to dodge and weave referring to other contexts that are moot. You are responsible for the quality of your communications within this thread.

Well done, you’ve just demonstrated a second way that you were wrong while somehow managing to try to dodge responsibility for your error. So… grats… or something.

You didn’t explicitly claim it, but you tried to imply that you speak with authority on the topic when your own citations demonstrate that you don’t. And now you’re using weasel words in attempt to try to avoid responsibility for your shady tactics, doubling down on your refusal to argue in good faith.

Again with the weasel words. You didn’t explicitly claim to be in those exact words, but you tried hard to imply it. You’re just as responsible and accountable for an implied claim as for an explicit one.

Don’t care what you were doing, doesn’t matter. No matter why you were doing it, it was still a bad argument and an attempt to falsely bolster the appearance of your authority.

Again yes, you did. You deliberately implied it, which is the same thing as claiming it. Implying a claim while denying you made the claim is one of the oldest tricks in the book for arguing in bad faith.

Which still doesn’t matter, it’s outside the context of this conversation. You remember context, that thing you like to criticize other people about. Surprise! it applies to you too.

Nope. You explicitly accused me of doing it, which has nothing at all to do your experience on a public server.

You said, “Maybe you shouldn’t have been using them to pad your land claim.”, which was a false conclusion on your part.

As you like to point out, context matters.

That would be impressive, but no. You should have recognized it from the winky-smiley face, which is the universally accepted signal for “I’m just kidding”. You were so busy trying to be right that you didn’t see the obvious context clue that it wasn’t a serious statement.

In that case post a link to the quantitative and objective assessments you’ve posted elsewhere. I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts that they’re just your opinion, lacking in data that would make your assessment objective. You know, the same fallacy that you like to accuse other people of.

Lead by example: show the data that would make your claim factual, or just be honest and admit it’s only your personal opinion about what’s worse and what’s not.

You’re probably going to be surprised by this, but I agree with @DeaconElie on this issue. “U” and “Ur” are for text messages, they are not for serious discussions.

When you’re trying to communicate ideas to other people in writing, it’s your responsibility to do as good a job as you can at communicating, and in a forum discussion that means using words, not text-abbreviations. If I st4t3d typ1ng in l33t534k l1k3 a ph0n3 phr34ker from the 1970’s you would find that off-putting, to say the least.

Typing in leetspeak or text-slang shows that you’re not serious about having an good, honest discussion with people. The burden of good communication is on the communicator, not the reader. If your writing looks like gibberish people are going to take you less seriously.

Obviously you have the right to type however you want to, I’m not the boss of you, but you need to understand that it affects how people see your communications. If you want to be taken seriously then it’s up to you to show that you take it seriously too.

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Use only one piece of the base foundation block as the base, then the pillars and the ceiling. Leave an open exit for those players who come to your base and fail down.
Alternatively, you can build bases so unattractive that the player does not want to visit them even out of curiosity. I am a great master at this and a builder of the world’s best ugly boxes!

This is good advice.

Wouldn’t work for my base, sadly – I’ll have to wait to see if the hotfix accomplishes anything.

And I think Funcom has to be upfront with new customers about the state of their game. Some kind of disclaimer. Like "Our building system is currently broken, please bear with us while we “investigate.”

For some one trying to prove superiority your lengthy attack proves other wise. :+1:
You do get you came down to my level to do that, right?

If that’s what you need to believe to sleep better, then go ahead. You must be exhausted after all that dodging and weaving.

Exercise keeps a mind sharp :wink:

That is clearly a bug since the NPC makes you join the quest before you can opt out.

Of course I am aware of it. Stupid hyena stuff is not due to our leaving toys out.

Our PvE base is sealed up enough to keep casual griefers out. No creatures naturally spawn there, and none can get in. Our thralls are–surprise–in basement level on solid ground. I’m sure a persistent human enemy could get in, but it’s not like some rando can drag a three skull boss by every fifteen minutes to kill our pets.

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I’m confused… you stated this like you didn’t have them INSIDE your base:

So… are they INSIDE your base or are they outside? You just said they were on solid ground in a basement, as though they’re INSIDE your base. So which is it? Are your thralls accessible to others or are they not? You could provide some screenshots or something so we can help you better protect, assuming anything like this may happen again. Up to you though.

Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking now. If some of these bugs are as old as people are saying, then they might not be able to fix them.

Then what is the point of even posting?
It’s a fight for me to make sure I’m understood; I do fail, I put a lot of effort in to it because I feel it’s very important to be understood. If you aren’t even going to try, I’m going to judge you for it. So feel free to continue to write the way you write, and I’ll continue to judge you for it, K?

Disgusting isn’t it? They ruin the game with the most recent update and then boast about new FOMO garbage expecting us to give them more money.

Yeah, I don’t get it. I’ve been joking about Funcom adding a disclaimer to their store page, but holy hell – selling a defective product to uninformed buyers isn’t really a joke.

Buyer beware.

At least I’ve learned to not fall for it. I hope many others have as well…

And for the few of you that are… PLEASE stop fighting with Deacon. He really isn’t worth the effort.

I’m not going to put any more effort in to understanding what you write then you you put in to being understood.

And if no one understands what they are or cares to put the effort in to figuring it out, that’s ok with you because for some reason those people don’t count, got ya. That is about as clear as most everything you write. But then you really don’t care if anyone understands your point as long as you’ve written it, right?

likable isn’t the issue, actually being understood is.

Then just what is the point? The point of writing in a forum is to be understood. If you don’t care if you’re understood why waste your time writing it or our time trying to read it?

No actually it doesn’t, not sure why you don’t get that.
If you want to be heard you need to be understood. If your first sentence looks like alphabet soup no one is going to try to muddle through it to see your point. What good is offering up your honest opinion if no one reads past the first sentence?
How can anyone address your point if no one knows what it is?

FYI: funcom is updating testlive


No, this is wrong.

It is your job to communicate, it is always the communicator’s job to communicate, no matter who they are. It is not the reader’s job to decipher your cryptic and unreadable gibberish.

You are not the only important person on the planet, everyone else’s time is just as valuable as yours. If you want people to read your posts then it’s your job to make them readable.

You say you don’t care, but that’s not believable, if you really didn’t care then you wouldn’t post in the first place. The truth is that you do care, which is why you post. The problem is you think it’s ok to make other people do your work for you by forcing them to try to decipher your poorly written post.

I understand that English is not your native language, and people are willing to consider that when you write. This is not about your native language or anyone else’s. I respect people who are multi-lingual and I’m sure you’re better at writing in English than I am at writing in whatever your language is. That’s still not an excuse for being lazy and expecting other people to do your work for you.

And, by the way, the Dev’s won’t either. Even when FunCom does read the forums, they’re busy doing their job and I guarantee that they skip over posts that are hard to read. If you want anyone to pay attention to your posts, the posts that you obviously care about because you’re taking the time to post, then you need to figure out that it’s your job to communicate, it’s not their job to understand you.

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completely agree. thinking about pulling my server and boycotting funcom