"We are currently preparing a hotfix with the *aim* of releasing later next week."

That’s believable. I missed the fun, I guess.

  1. GWbasic first appeared in 1983, that’s eons ago in computer years. Even if you were as good as you say, that knowledge would help you remarkably little in understanding the current state-of-the art of software development.

  2. MSdos isn’t a programming language and it never was. I’ve been in IT for 35 years and I can assure you that knowledge of MS-DoS doesn’t grant you the slightest knowledge of development in any time period. I’ve known many people who thought that knowing MS-DoS also mean they understood the development cycle in a business, they were all wrong.

  3. Cobalt isn’t a computer language, it’s a chemical element. Clearly you didn’t learn much about COBOL since you don’t even know how to spell it. Variations such as Cobol or cobol would have gotten by but “cobalt” makes you look a lot like a poser who’s talking out of the wrong orifice. Typo’s are not usually worth noticing in forum threads but this one’s significant enough that you just made yourself look pretty foolish, especially right after you tried to pass off MS-DOS as evidence of your programming knowledge.

  4. “Studying” pascal doesn’t mean that you ever had experience using it in a professional environment. There is a world of different between taking a programming class vs. understanding the business cycle of software deployment in a live production environment. For that matter, there’s a world of difference between knowing how to program and programming as an actual job. The planet is full of people who “know how to program” but who understand nothing about how a professional IT environment functions. Taking a class is nothing like doing the job.

None of which sounds like working in a professional development environment in which building the ability to roll-back into every release is a standard element of business practice.

You may know how to do some programming, that does not mean you understand the business cycle of software deployment in a live production environment.

Some bugs are easily addressed by rolling back portions of a software rollout, some are not. For you to make the blanket statement “No it isn’t.” further demonstrates that you should be accusing yourself of not knowing the difference between opinions and facts, because clearly you don’t fully understand the facts.

Not until after my post you didn’t. My reply was post #36, you didn’t mention the ground until post #44. In #44 you mentioned the “fall to ground bug” whih was after I replied to your over-simplification.

Effective communication would have been something like, “Log out on the ground, not on any player made objects”, bad communication was “Don’t log out on foundations.” You may have understood the problem from your experience on Teslive, but your reply sent the message that you didn’t.

You obviously think of your self as a smart person - well a smart person understands that the burden of responsibility for effective communications falls on the communicator. At the time of my post you were indeed over-simplifying, that’s on you.

And of course this is good advice, kudos for that, it’s just a shame you didn’t communicate it better, earlier in the conversation.

I’m sure it feels that way from your perspective, but you can’t assume people have read your posts in other threads. Each and every time you want to communicate a concept to a new audience you have to continue to communicate that concept properly otherwise it can give the wrong impression about your understanding, as it did in this thread.

I wasn’t, you’re leaping to an egregiously false conclusion.

The fact is I haven’t lost any thralls at all to this patch, but unlike some people (including you, apparently, based on your posts) I don’t need to experience something personally to have sympathy for people who have been victimized by a game bug, and to understand that some bugs are important enough that they merit a rollback. It’s not about you or whether you “gave warning”, the overwhelmingly vast majority of the player base has never heard of you much less read your posts. It’s also not about me nor whether I’ve lost thralls to the problem. Our two individual, personal experiences are meaningless in a discussion of whether a problem should have been a good enough reason to hold back on rolling out this release.

What matters is how much, and how badly, the problems affect the player base as a whole, not you, not me, the overall game.

Oh dear, you’re one of those, you can’t recognize a joke when it falls into your lap and calls you by name.

Well that explains a lot about your posts.


The confirmation bias is powerful with this one.

Since you like to talk so much about facts vs. opinions put your money where your mouth is. Show the group the facts that back up your assessment. Quantify your answer using objective information.

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For what it’s worth, it’s more complicated than that. What you’re saying can be true, depending on the practices used by the development team, but it can also go deeper than that.

Bugs that seem to be the same bug can actually be different bugs, introduced at different times from different sources, even if they look the same. MMO’s are such large, complicated bodies of code that how they look to us is not necessarily what’s happening inside the code. We see it visually as the same thing - people falling through objects, for example - but the reason that’s causing it to happen may not be the same cause every time.

This is just a rough analogy, but consider the fact that there are many different bacteria and viruses that can cause you to have a runny nose and a fever. The symptoms may be the same for a hundred different “bugs” (bacteria & viruses) but the underlying cause of the symptom is different each time.

I realize that’s a stretch, obviously computer code and the human body are not directly comparable, but I hope it gets across the idea that in complex system there can be many different causes for the same symptoms.


No I gave a warning before ch4 dropped.

I’m a slave to the spell checker. Cobalt is also a color.

Never claimed to be, was studying to get my comp science degree.

never claimed to.

You mean when I was going to college?

Never claimed it would.

I’ve been carrying on this conversation on the testlive forum for weeks.

Speaking from experience on the public server I’m on.

And just how was I supposed to recognize that as a joke? Read your mind?

I have previously. It’s just a list of all the disastrous updates to date. If that isn’t proof enough I don’t know what could be.

You don’t understand the concept of context do you?

Here let me explain.

There context. Wasn’t even referring to the bugs in this update.

And here enters Andrew Tate and says: So you can code, but I can kick your ass :crazy_face:

Guys, just stop it already, everyone is upset with this update.
Anybody reads these walls of text anyway?


Nope. Just scroll through and pick up bits here and there.

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From now no I’m just going to treat DeaconElie’s response and attitude the same as Funcom’s. DeaconElie seems to know what he’s talking about.

In my case, hyena spawned on the dirt where I keep companions because they fall through the floor everywhere else. No land claim = no protection from spawns.

The helpless NPCs were right there, so they all got killed before it came hunting for me. My first awareness of it in the base was when it slapped me off the stove.

As for the hunt switch, I have been attacked and I have watched people get attacked before they joined the hunt. Since you get a hyena for each person in the area, it’s not some critter attacking the wrong player.

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framerate drop , character and thrall foundation stuck, item placing bugs, all is a mess.

Today Funcom is advertising their new battlepass on Steam.

Quite a bit. And the U and UR is why.

None the less what you are saying is you knew when you did the quote you were taking it out of context. That’s pretty weak.

There has to be a player active in the hunt to get the werehyenas to spawn.
You are autoed in to the hunt, you actually have to opt out.

Already got mine, bought with funcoms croms they pay me to play.

So which is it? Do you not know what context means or did you make that quote knowing you were taking it out of context? One or the other so an easy assumption.

Bets the first thread wondering where the promised hotfix is will be posted at about 1AM tomorrow/Monday.

This. @DavidTaylorNC , you’re already in it when the update occurred. We’ve all been attacked PRIOR to even visiting the event NPC location.

It sounds to me like your base is open. Your thralls were all ripe for picking. Unfortunately, you’re a victim of the bug that thralls won’t attack the hyenas… HOWEVER, it’s partly on you for not being aware that you need to protect your thralls in the area. I can’t totally fault you, since you’re likely not aware that some malicious players can kill your thralls through certain methods, even on PvE, which I’m assuming you’re playing. If your thralls mean something to you, you MAY wanna protect them inside your base, even if it means falling through the floor. Perhaps make a basement level that’s on solid ground. You can put your favorites there.

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I don’t even know what to expect from this hotfix, never mind exactly when we’ll see it. Should we expect that the list of issues that they are “aware” of will be fixed? I kind of doubt it.

Just to check (because I’m realising how badly my base is currently set up to deal with this problem) - the NPC to opt out is over by the guy we learn Midnight Alchemy from right?

Nope, not at all. They are listed as being “aware of” because they are precisely that. They are aware of them. They are not however going to be fixed in this “hotfix”.

Correct. It’s the woman in the center.


Going on day 6 of not being able to log in at all to refresh or enjoy all the bugs and problems people are angry about. No decay timer freeze, no replies, just hopes of a fix that is gonna happen about 4 days too late that I won’t know if it fixed the problem or not because everything will be gone

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This mess should be rolled back to April 1st. Its ridiculous.

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