"We are currently preparing a hotfix with the *aim* of releasing later next week."

I dunno dude, “drama of the month”? Let’s not make this sound like we’re to blame or insignificant.

There are a lot more bugs that have come from this update than we realize. With the very short period of play I’ve done so far either huge ones stayed, got worse or new introduced.

Falling through the world itself is very large yes. There’s 4 places I’ve been able to find based on reports on here and tested in multiplayer. It doesn’t work in SP. That is very important and should be addressed as soon as possible. Some people even have bases in one of the reported areas. They cannot play as a result.

So is the falling through the foundations bug. Always been a thing but got worse last hotfix in Jan. Then became very pronounced this update. Two separate things happening here and while may be connected, are still singular on their own. 1 being the thralls and followers sinking. The other our own characters. If we’d want to get technical, also a third if we fall through our bases and pop back up to where we’re supposed to be once loaded.

Rubberbanding on login is STILL a thing. Dregs boss STILL a statue. Etc.,… Etc.,…

The inventory management overhaul has caused so many problems for players. It’s not just a matter of preference, there’s also the problem of not being able to equip armor unless you go through a series of convoluted steps. Dropping items that are selected can sometimes be impossible, instead dropping other items - so if you’re half paying attention, bye bye to things you actually want to keep.

It’s like being at a stove with a hot frying pan and instead of using the handle we’re being forced to grab the pan and accept the pain.

Players are going to feel that one thing is more important than another based on their playstyles. We need to recognize that ALL are important and push Funcom to fix/do better.

Hell I put in a bug report yesterday and @DanQuixote commented on it to remind Funcom of something that should go without having to be freakin said!

The players are not to be blamed. Let’s not create situations that seeks to divide us further. I realize that you thrive in being contrary but it is of no benefit to all of us and you.


or not being able to log in at all :slight_smile: I wish I could log in to get stuck in a foundation, atleast then I know I can refresh my stuff

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Which I have acknowledge and am again with quoting it.

I know about the fall to ground bug, I have it on test. I just log out on solid ground. You also confirmed what I suspected in another thread.

My point is if your only issue with Ch4 is you don’t like the UI change, don’t fog up threads about issues that are game breaking with rants about rolling back the update.

If a rollback makes this game playable, then I’m all for it.


And how is the game not playable for you?
Not someone else on the forum or some buddy of yours on your server, you.

Playable = fun.

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The logging out on ground doesn’t always help, you still fall through and sometimes you still are stuck or die. It’s very chaotic and can’t always reproduce it.

I would say the UI change to some may cause some to feel a revert is necessary. Think back to the rollback for followers as it did cause quite a bit of PVPers to lose valuable progress. But you adapt. I’m not saying a rollback is necessary but no t everyone is going to be happy if it happens or not.

Afaic the whole age/chapter stuff has been a poorly done experience… It’s caused so much more difficulty than has been necessary and mainly around huge system changes.

No, playable means it can be played. Not enjoyable means not fun.

You are welcome to look up the verb “to play” in any dictionary and see if “enjoyment” is a primary definition.

Or perhaps you just enjoy things that suck? Not judging.

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Well actually :smiling_face:

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I don’t care what they do to fix the problems they caused. I just want them fixed.


What should have been done is to actually consult the community first, give us an idea of what they planned, tested, LISTENED to the free labour that go on public beta, then review and make any changes accordingly. Not throw all this at us without having ironed out all these issues.

Instead in perfect Funcom fashion we get new features, system overhauls, buggy updates, little to no communication until after players complain.

There’s so much to be done in terms of marketing, communication, managing expectations, et al that I don’t think it’s going to get better. Every single update since the ages were announced has had something go wrong and you can see in their lack of community engagement that things are not so green on the other side.

I’m tired.


I know this is a pc discussion, but holy fudge a ball was dropped.

I’m on console, don’t watch youtube or streams, and seeing the changes logging in was absofreakinglutely jarring.

At most I think what people want is crystal clear communication. (Which was promised after the last apology tour when most people lost their thralls.)


Quite incorrect here Deacon. This update is equally as disastrous as just about any of their previous updates. Maybe you personally do not think that it is, but for many others it is. To a massive degree it is.

It used to be common a while back. There was a period of time I literally could not log into the game without being knee deep, or lower, into a foundation. Thralls had the same issue as well. This is the exact same issue that is happening now. How as this issue resolved previously? No idea. Why is it back suddenly? No idea. But this is Funcom’s history. Fix a bug just to bring it back again.

It was around quite a lot maybe 2 years ago. Possibly 3. I don’t remember off the top of my head, but is most assuredly was not as uncommon as you or Deacon are making it appear.

I have had this occur on co-op games years ago. Would have to remove the foundation to get your stuff back, and this was long before the construction hammer so you didn’t even get 100% refund on your foundation. This is, as I said, not a new issue. Sometimes you can move and “jump up” like you described, sometimes you can’t. Why? Only Funcom knows…


Yeah, I had it happen briefly in singleplayer testlive a few years back. Wherever I was in the base, when I logged in I would appear before the rest of the base and fall until stopped either by hitting water (fortunately was built on the water, which helped me evade a lot of the problems) or by the base rezzing around me and trapping me in a foundation. Interestingly, it’s one of the few things I’ve ever reported in testlive that managed to be fixed in time for the live release. Of course, whether it’s the same cause or not is far above my pay grade…

I don’t think this is even close to as disastrous as the foundation “fix” or the thrall wipe.

Exactly, that is my entire point. That is YOUR perspective. The whole thrall wipe had literally zero effect on me. Not one. This update on the other hand…by CROM does this effect me in a massively negative way.


Neither of them had any effect on me. I’m looking at how wide spread the issues are. The most wide spread in this update are minor in comparison. On live I don’t have the fall through to ground issue but I do on testlive.

Out side of a few individual horror stories; as I have said, over all this has been one of their least problematic updates so far.

The only issue I had with the change in UI and its function was the loss of right click to use. I’m all for beginning back the custom split stack even though I never used it. same for the custom menu setting, I always have it set to heaviest.

And I have experienced some of the weirdness transferring items from pack top chest, but I haven’t lost anything… on live.

Maybe you should just take a look here then.
I am sure that @Ragnaguard would be more than willing to share their experience with this issue on live, aside from what they already have done so in the linked thread they posed with tons of lovely pictures.

Yeah, a “few individual horror stories”… that just happen to be shared by a minimum of 50% of their server. You seriously need to stop pretending that things are not as bad as they are. You are just making yourself look like an idiot at this point.

Again, that is the only issue YOU have. The loss of custom sorting is massive to a huge number of players. The loss of exact splitting is massive to the RP community where we depend on such an ability to trade with one another. It is even vital to the PvP community. So yeah, in your opinion “if it doesn’t effect me it’s no big deal!”

How very gracious of you. :roll_eyes:

And other people have lost things.

Not to mention that people have lost thralls due to Funcom not bothering to code in an ability to allow them to fight back against werehyenas. Sometimes large amounts of thralls while they were not even online. Sound familiar? Like that whole thrall wipe issue, just using werehyenas to do their dirty work for them. :thinking:

Or the abomination the new radial wheel janky mess they forced upon us for … no reason.

Or the “new and improved” dye system just to “justify the size of the station” instead of just making the fvcking station smaller! FFS it was that simple!

Or the evisceration of the SoC! @Croms_Faithful is probably still crying over that one, as are many other.

So no Deacon, do not sit here and attempt to pretend that this update was “no big deal”. Or that “this one issue isn’t that bad, and it really isn’t effecting many people” just because it isn’t effecting you personally. This update has MANY MANY MANY DIFFERENT ISSUES that effect a vast amount of people in many different way. It is easily hands down one of the worst updates ever. And I didn’t even mention the random places you just fall through the map and die! Gotta love that!