We find that most of the time when we are splitting stuff

Dennis Douthett
Associate Game Director

“We find that most of the time when we are splitting stuff we are not trying to pull one out of the stack, we are trying to get to a lesser number of what is usually hundereds or thousands.”

Director Dennis - you are wrong. Please come out here and acknowledge that your “sheltered” belief of how the game is played is total garbage. And revert these BAD CHANGES.


Can you or anyone else confirm the right-click functionality was also removed? For instance, for equipping armor. Also “Using.” And Shift-splitting. I haven’t had the time to play due to other engagements and a minor injury to my index finger.

Coupled with the giant dye bench tax, this is beginning to feel punitive. Like, the Survey didn’t turn out so great for certain people and they wish to punish us quite a bit. As I said yesterday, as a textile dealer we can dye 100+ yards at a conference in the space of a folding table. One would expect the great expanse of primitive bench design would be for the drying, which we do with modern machines that take a fraction of the space.

For the trouble it’s causing us, I expect them to create decals on the exterior of the dye bench that show the specific armor pieces. Maybe a womannequin.

Edit: my hope is there’s a full reversal. The stack issue is a deal-breaker, a given.


Yes its all removed, we have now an UI less efficient than in alpha.and the UI was one of the very strong point of conan that was not needing any change.


Boy I am really troubled by this. As I said elsewhere, precise, swift inventory control is vital for commerce. In a PvP setting, reluctance, or perceived reluctance can turn a clan on you. You know of what I speak.


yes that just totally not possible to understand. what they did.

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what baffles me the most is, that instead of bringing much needed fixes, also to paid content in teh past, they thought this inventory change was a good idea.
They could have added quick stack and leave the working stuff alone.
What a waste of development resources


What’s fun is the radio silence after a total balls up like this…

Tooooootally worked when their system massed banned people too.

There are a ton of posts about this, so it’s hard to find the right one to reply to, but since this thread is so small I’ll just drop it here and people should be able to catch it in the dev tracker.

We knew people would be upset about the loss of functionality. In our next hotfix the ability to do fine splits will return. On a gamepad it will be accessible by holding RB/R1, and Mouse + Keyboard can do a fine split with Shift+Click.

The pipeline for updates makes them take a relatively long time to get out, but we got this input both from the team and the community before release. We were unable to perform a day 1 patch in this instance to get the restoration and fix out along with the update, so apologies there. A hotfix is in the works, but will still be a bit of time before it passes through all of the gates it needs to before it goes live, I just wanted to let everyone know we’re aware and it’s being addressed.


Thank you for coming to the forums and sharing that you’ve received our feedback. And that you are acting on it.

I hope that you’ll be able to take a moment, and look at this whole thing from our perspective. And see how we have felt ghosted when we provided you feedback about a bad change.

I am very pleased to know that fine stack splitting will be returning. I will wait until then to play again.

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add double click to use to consumables. it works for equipment, but it doesn’t for consumables. it’s unreasonable that we have to take two steps for such a simple action. especially when it used to take one step.

Also, make sure our sorting selection sticks.


Iteratively making the customer mad with unfinished updates is not a long term viable strategy for content releases.
Sorry if this schedule is imposed by higher management, hope you guys find a compromise.


Will you be addressing the sorting issues as well? We all want custom/not sorted back and default… and NOT to get messed up when temporarily sorting by another method. Most of us organize items by the things we personally use most. We can’t do that at all the way it stands now, and quite frankly, it’s extremely annoying to manage inventory at this point.


the new sorting is very frustrating as well. The fact that the system defaulted to a new sorting feature after the patch and that moved everything around in our inventory and in the first chest we opened is infuriating. Luckily for me I opened a chest with a small amount of stuff in it and I could change it to no sort and move the stuff back to the way i had it. My inventory took more work to restore to how i like it. that is what frustrates me most is the fact you force changed the sorting and it moved everything automatically. The default option should have been no sort so that nothing would have moved after being patched.


Thank God. I was seriously pissed about this. Thank you for letting us know, albeit belatedly. I feel much better now.

This is good news, Dennis and we do appreciate being heard on this matter.

Perhaps in the future, this could be included in the Patch Notes under Known Issues that indicates the change is already in the works. I’m sure some people don’t read the patch notes but those that do could have corrected/quoted it and saved a lot of anger.


Also… can’t really equip items straight from the boxes? Have to place things in your inventory first and then equip them. Then store the previously worn gear.

Just WHY

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Oh noooo :scream_cat: more updates!
Scared Horror GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

Had I known it would be so soon I would’ve probably not bothered with a mod yesterday :man_shrugging: Next time send us a memo!!! :spiral_notepad:
just kidding :stuck_out_tongue:


if you knew people would be upset about it? WHY CHANGE IT??? why not listen to community? why ■■■■■■■■ up with every update? and than take ages for hotfix, WHY WHY WHYYY man i really want to love this game, since its my favorite style for a survival game, but you guys making it soo hart to even play this game…

oh and btw:
… inventory does not save your own sorting/arrangement and just stays with the last sorting option before going to “no sorting”, and that with every relog, so if you want to have your own managment in your inventory you are screwed… what the fu**

Thank you so much!!

Totally agree. There are many things I don’t like about the latest update, but the UI change is very important and should be brought back. If I could roll back the last update, I wouldn’t doubt it for a second. Gamers who have been playing for years and thousands of hours play it for its playability, content and stability. With each update, there should/could be more content, not changes in the game’s fundamental systems such as graphics, UI, game structure. It is not easy to come to terms with such substantial changes, and since you have to get used to the new one anyway, you want to find another game to replace it. Since Age of war 3 updates, a lot of important changes have been made, while minor bugs have not been fixed. I hope Conan doesn’t get less attention at the expense of the new game (Dune: Awakening) and try to bring content from the new game to the old game.

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