What does RP mean to you?

To contribute to this thread though…I agree that it is playing your character in the manner that you designed it to be. You chose your play style, weapons, armor, building location and type and go out and perform your routines and adventuring in the character that YOU created. So when you interact with others players you kinda expect they they recognize the character you portray.

I am the benevolent demigod of my server that causes the occasional mischief & mayhem but then is generous and helpful. I consider myself sort of the DM of my server. When adventuring with others I make it more challenging for my players or I assist as a healer and more.

It helps to have awesome roleplay environments built into your server.

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No I am certainly not kidding. It seems you were so busy having a temper tantrum that you didnt realise that the first part of your post:

Contradicts the second part of your post:

Guess youre not the loremaster you thought you were. Furthermore, I dont recall “trying to pray to him” being outlined anywhere in my post. Nice straw man.

Im sorry but I didnt realise that there was a right way and a wrong way to Roleplay and have fun. Could you please direct me to the rulebook? Your objection becomes even more absurd when we consider that a number of Crom features are already in the game! For example:

In fact, a little Roleplaying tactic I use while playing Conan Exiles is to use my chosen Crom Legendary, to deliver the fatal blow to a powerful enemy, such as the Red Mother, then stand over my foes broken body and perform the ‘By Crom’ emote. And well…neither have killed my character yet.

I shall further indulge you here. Even if I wanted to play it to the letter of the lore, at which point it moves away from Roleplaying and becomes something between a re-creation and a parody, it STILL would not violate the lore! For example, the artifact in question could result in the player: 1) getting hit by lightning and dying 2) the player taking on a stack of noxious debuffs such as poison, bleed, sunder, etc 3) it could emit heavy corruption 4) the player could simply drop dead, like we do when removing the bracelet 5) it could result in several high tier enemies, ie-a Purge, spawning in to kill the player. Does that sound inconsistent with the lore to you…? Because I feel that would be perfectly accurate; player does something to draw Croms attention, Crom is resentful and punishes player accordingly.

Instead of acting high almighty, and judging and ridiculing others based on their own preferences, viewpoints and how they play, may I suggest the following instead. Learn to accept the different viewpoints of others. Play the game the way you want and let others play the game the way they want, as opposed to having a self-righteous hissy fit and insisting that others are ‘having fun the wrong way’. Good day to you sir.

PS- Apologies for derailing @CodeMage. However I could not take the reply lying down. And thankyou for the kind words relating to my own thread. But just a wee, minor correction. It was launched in December of 2018 as opposed to 2019.


Yep, that was a typo. Thanks for catching it, I’ve fixed it now.


For me RP means immersion, which usually requires imagination especially in CE. For example if I roleplay a Mitra follower then thrall taking has to become something else in my imagined version (I pretend that the NPCs have been corrupted by other gods and the process of knocking them out and forcing them to work the wheel actually restores their will rather than breaking it and after regaining their freedom they choose to work with me out of gratitude).


Not all do but it is hard to find one that doesn’t. And I am right there with you, that mod is trash.

RP then, or RP now.

In great MMOs like SWG and EQ2, you played what you were.
In EQ2 I played an 800lb Orc who run away from the bad lands and came to the good city.
When in the city, the people would stop and stare and point, even the rats would scurry away when you came by.
Then SOE decided to make both MMOs better by making them WoW clones, and they both died.
Each of these MMO had multi-channel chat so you had normal speak, and RP speak. Here Ive not seen that.

I am on a RP AoC server. They use the main chat for RP and discord for chit-chat. With immersive armor and lots of beauty mods, there are outstanding RP toons.

I use to practise roleplay for almost 15 years now… I began on World of Warcraft and since I can’t play an online game if I can’t see a nice way to hook some roleplay in it.

What is roleplay ? First it’s creating someone that is not me, with predefined skills and flaws, personality and background, with respect to the chosen universe. Then it’s acting like that one, make him/her face of flee dangers, experience the world and more of all meet other characters, make friends and foes and go on adventure with them.

For me “adventure” is not a word dissociable from “roleplay”, as every roleplay must tell a story. The story of my character, the story of the ones that cross my path, the story of the world we all play on. And also in my opinion, on online games the roleplay really begins when you meet others and play with them. :slight_smile:

Now on Conan Exiles, you can find some servers who let a great freedom of liberty and playability to their players without forcing them to follow a predefined story, while the story on others is planned like in a tabletop RPG campaign. Both are very different, both can be great to play on !

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