Where are you? No communication

Hey @UltraViolent,

Please see my thread here. Funcom’s games are, nor will be influenced by Tencent. I’ve quoted PR and tried giving some explanation in the comments.
I’d recommend not bringing politics or assumptions into threads. The forums are for civil, constructive discussion.

As for your assumption,
Companies owned by or in a country ruled by a dictator may be asked to assume the dictator’s law for their subcompanies, but this should not be the case as other countries will not permit another country’s law being enforced on their land-- …btw, I’m not a lawyer.
If companies want to hold a firm position (which may result in a monopoly, which itself may be slightly toxic to the industry), they may want to enforce their own marketing strategies on their owned companies or decide to shorten or cancel certain projects, if they are not in the main scope (market) or vision. It’s their decision on whether they want to expand their company with expertise on subject X or Y.