White albino rabbit šŸ‡

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Has anyone noticed the white rabbits on the grass in the south of the map? Were they there before the update? Reminds me of Monty Python and the holy grail


I wanted to ask about them!
I saw one in the northern area and followed her hoping to get a mushroom or a red and blue pills, but didnā€™t take me anywhere.
The next day I found another but in the southern region.
I just couldnā€™t kill them to see if something else happened.


Iā€™ve also been following it from a distance, hoping something will happen or a treasure chest will appear but nothing. Maybe something else will come in a later update.

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I keep meaning to ask about these but always forget. I havenā€™t tried to mess with one yet though in case it causes a 1-hit ko and forcing your head to pop off.


I attacked one fearing (hoping?) it would sprout nasty big pointy teeth and bite my head off. Unfortunately, no.


Yeah, I noticed them as well. Couldnā€™t remember if they were in the game before or were something new. Killed one just to see if there was anything special about it, but didnā€™t seem to be. Ran over a couple on my horse as well. Looks like they are just normal white rabbits.

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I asked for elite rabbits a while back. Sadly, these are just rabbits that have dyed their armor white.


I have it on good authority they were always supposed to be in game, but the bug was finally found and corrected. Enjoy.


Yeah, I got a little scared when I first saw one because I had a noob follower with me and I was afraid the bunny would bite her head off or something.

Then I very carefully tested and poked the rabbit with a sharp stick, and much to my surprise (and a little bit disappointment) the rabbit just died.

Good thing too, because I havenā€™t yet unlocked the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch recipe on my Alchemistā€™s bench.


How about this guy?


Piglet was added with the Flotsam revamp.

Itā€™s been there for a while.

Iā€™ve never seen one in the Exile Lands until now.

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the pigs are in the pirate bay, trapped in the cage or am I wrong?

This one was in a shipwreck

There are still many things that we donā€™t knowā€¦

ā€¦things we shouldnā€™t ask :face_in_clouds:

There are more unusual long-eared animals on the Isle of Siptah.


Oh thank god. 3.0 wasnā€™t a complete failure. At least they finally got the white rabbits to spawn :rofl:


please tell me that the piglets can be made into pets like the sea turtles on siptah.

Havenā€™t tried. I see an experiment in the future.

It is give somwher a rock that you need too harvest i think on siptha and then white rabbit show up

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I followed one of those albino rabbits patiently waiting for it to go down a hole ā€¦
to never never land.