Wondering about the DLC code coming this week

I was wondering when the code for the new DLC will be sent to those who participated in the event a few weeks ago, will it be sent email or on steam?
Yes i did sent my email right after i did the req. for it


same here! not even a comment about it xD

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I just seen the dlc is available for purchase.

No news about the free codes they promised?

A single comment from a CM would be enough

It’s available for purchase on PS4 and Xbox One at 1pm CEST.

But what about Steam? :slight_smile:

IDK, but here we are talking about getting the FREE DLC CODE they promised for taking part in their testing event.

I would say you will get it at the same time the DLC is ready for release on PC or at least a couple of days later.

Well, two days later, despite its not optimal, could be acceptable (despite I would have bought it day one…) if there is some communication.

If they tell us “hey guys free dlc code will come a couple days later cause we got busy with emails (or whatever)” then splendid! could be better but bearable XD

Buuuut having absolutely no news about the free dlc code after the event concluded (1 month ago), as it is now, and even get it later without a single word, wouldn’t be the same…

Actions speak for themselves. Just got my email with the code!

Just checked my Email and the code was there, sent 5 minutes ago. :smile:

Still no email from ■■■■■■ in my mail box… I want to cry :sob:

I hope this counts as an answer… :slight_smile:

I got mine as well. Performs a happy dance.

Same procedure as always. Check your spam and stuff. If nothing comes in the next hour, I think a question with the name of your mail service should help. Maybe Funcom would agree to sending them via PM in these Forums?


Yes, mine was under the Promotions tab instead of the regular mail. :slight_smile:

On what mail adres did you guys sended your request? Was it testlive@funcom.com???

As stated above: We are sending out codes starting today. If you participated in the TestLive Event and sent us an email you should get a key soon :slight_smile:


Yes! Also I am using my account at outlook.
Several other services are known to be itchy with such mails…
This is why I said people should consider sending a question to support if nothing comes in the next hour(s).
I guess its safe to assume a mail got lost if tomorrow nothing has been received?

Ok. I have my code :smiley: It was burried in my email under offers category. Ty Funcom :slight_smile:

Just checked mine had fallen on spam!

I got mine this morning, thank you guys for that!!! :smiley:

Oh yeah, good point!
Make sure to check your spam folders :flushed:


I got mine code at 9 am about 3 hours ago, also when you go into steam click “add game” bottom left corner then activate a product and paste your code…