Wood turning "invisible" in inventory

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: None
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Wood going into inventory disappearing, with weight still counted as encumbrance. Returning to Main Menu and then reloading server only solution found so far, but bug will begin again randomly.

Bug Reproduction:

Random. Harvesting wood, taking wood out of a container, or demolishing an item containing wood.


I’ve seen it happen. I thought it had something to do with ahead-of-time compilations. Still is fascinating.

Sometimes when you show inventory it triggers a compilation… it may be a hack, a bug, an update, or a kind of reference., or maybe just a plain good change.

I noticed such a shadowing bug. There are text shadows, which help read the screen. There are cache shadows, which could be useful…

:adhesive_bandage: :innocent:

Ahead-of-time compilation of what? What is getting compiled?

It’s source @CodeMage – along with run-time compilations. Any lambda expression or run-time evaluation can be done within iterations of AOT “native”-ly.

@CodeMage please don’t derail the thread.

I would ask you to do the same. This is a bug report. If your comment doesn’t have anything to do with helping diagnose this bug or provide a workaround, then it’s off-topic and derails the thread.

So, in the spirit of helping either @Killdozer or Funcom with their problem, can you explain what AOT compilation in .NET has to do with the bug that’s being reported for Conan Exiles, a game based on Unreal Engine 4.15, in non-managed C++?

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I don’t care to show you any implementation of C++.

I did not say anything else about those, either. I found an indicator to let me know if the item needs an update. That’s probably a part of the shadowing bug.

I didn’t ask you to.

Perfect! That should help. What is the shadowing bug? Can you describe its symptoms and how to reproduce it? Can you describe this indicator you’re talking about and what it indicates? What kind of item needs an update and how does a player update it?

It’s not just wood, and it’s not just you!

Try taking off a piece of your armor when you notice this happens. If the game freezes/lags for a split second and then your armor (I usually use my helmet) pops back on instead of staying in your backpack, it usually also fixes this for me on both servers I play on.


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