[Xbox Game Pass for PC] Just lost my saves


well I don’t really understand the difference with copying the original save file (based on file date) into the new savegame folder. And then renaming the name of the original save file to the new one.

Also I tried to do the copy / paste with HxD hex editor (using “paste write” command) but then the savegames cannot be clicked in the game.

Could someone point the editor used and the exact key/command sequence?
(and if it could avoid installing visual studio if possible)


Still not fixed. I don’t overly want to go through the complicated method above… :frowning:

Thanks to Vidaho, here is the easiest way to do the trick:

  1. Go to the save folder:


  1. save the WGS folder (copy&paste it) into the desktop. This is just a way to create a backup of the folder,

  2. Now go back to the original save folder.

  3. Use notepad (I use notepad++, just google it, its a free software) to open the files contained inside the folder wgs/-the folder with many and many number-/-another folder with alphanumeric chars
    (my personal folder is something like wgs\000900000666EBC1_00000000000000000000000073…\0837A74C89B14A13A4CA…773C2A3 )

  4. Inside the above folder, open the alphanumerical named files with notepad++ , presso CTRL+F to search into the file the string “datetime” and “SaveGameType”. Remember to open file and search into them starting from the most recent one (just see for Last Modify Date)
    You have now identified your last savegame file.

  5. Open the Game and start a new game

  6. As soon as possible, save the game and exit from the game

  7. Wait just 10 seconds before proceed because xgame app is managing the new save game folder

  8. Go back to the WGS folder and now you will see a second folder inside it.

  9. Repeat step 4 and 5 to identify the last save game file from the new save game directory just created (the step 4 and 5 must be done inside the new directory just created)

  10. Now take your save game file from step 5 and copy it inside the new directory

  11. Now, you have just to rename your “disappeared”/“old” save game file using the name of the new game file just created. (to do that, I add a chars to the new file like “" and then copy the name without the "” into my “disappeared” save game file.

It worked fo me.
Its so easy, more difficult to explain.

I hope you can solve this problem as I did.

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Is it! Thanks for explanation Skaffa, my english is not so good for this…

Still no hotfix or even a rollback of this faulty patch ?

Hey there, our developers are digging their mutated claws into it, we’ll definitely address this pesky issue as soon as possible, thank you for your patience!

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Any news or at least estimates for this issue? Without saves the game is basically unplayable for more than a week now. Should we wait or should we forget the previous session ever existed?


is there any news ?? its been a couple of days without any anolgmant

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Hey there, apologies for the lack of updates on this matter!

As some of you might be aware, a new expansion is set to be released towards the end of this month.
What this also means is that the upcoming patch will be merged with this release, and it will include several fixes ( to address this specific issue as well ) and improvements for the base game experience.

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There was a recent update specific for the MS Store version which has addressed the lost saves and certain UI performance issues.

Regarding the saves that were missing, they should now show up marked as non-XBox compatible.
You may load them up and create a new save in a different slot, so that they are again compatible with the XBox. You may then delete the old save.

@Hugo This issue persists for a player who has reported it on Twitter to XboxGamePass. They’ll be looking into the matter for them.

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Thank you for sharing this, we’ll be sure reach out!

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no idea if this will help anyone but look at C:\Users[Name]\AppData\Local\Packages i found my stupid blood stained saves here because they didnt want to save it in the usual place

I’m sorry to cut into your thread Clive, but the same thing happened to me in Surge 2 I was half way through Gideon’s rock, I collected all the hunter gear, Gaia gear for the quest and most of the wraith set then I stopped for dinner and when I logged back on hit continue and it started at the med station way before I even went into “Cloud Nine” to enter Gideon’s Rock all my progress was GONE :frowning:

Just had all my progress deleted! Any way I can bring it back? I tried the method suggested by skaffa but it doesn’t work

I cant save my new progress in my singleplayer game. Where is problem? I spend lot of my gameplay time and now saving not working. It is not playable without saving progress. I Always lost my new progress… in cloud and also in xbox one x.