Yamatai Warlord Armor Still Bugged - Will you ever fix it?

Will they ever fix the Yamatai Warlord Bugged Shader Texture ?

Yamatai Warlord Chestpeice, has a shader or normal map that is completely broken, reflecting light poorly or not at all. - mods or no mods makes no difference.

Look I hate to come across rude, but this bug has persisted for A VERY long time, and you’ve had time to add microtransactions and expansions, but this really is gamebreaking for those who love the Yamatai DLC, will it ever be fixed ?

i [dot] gyazo [dot] com/d02b713e2f7d47a2ee3dcf808bff6d31 [dot] jpg

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Bump, i hope it will be patched asap

Want to laugh? Balck dragon armor and Argossean marine armor also bugged, I’m sick tired of Funcom’s $hit

black dragon armor wasnt bugged for me the last i saw it, was it broken by todays patch?

Setite armor is also bugged after 3.0

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Should I take a lawyer and demand a refund? I paid money for something that isn’t working properly and isn’t what it looks like, and it’s not fixed!

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