Yellow Lotus BP challenge not progressing

Basic Info:

Platform: PC
Storefront: Steam
Issue Type: Battle Pass
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: secret :slight_smile:
Mods: =MODS=

Bug Description:

Yellow Lotus challenge not progressing

Bug Reproduction:

Not that simple… as you have to get this random challenge and this is the first I’ve seen this one. The ones for black lotus and golden lotus worked previously, I did capture it on camera for you though lol, though the bug report does not let me post the youtube link so I’ll attempt in a comment :stuck_out_tongue: - nope

Okay so that was kinda weird.
I relogged and now the challenge is complete, so it was clearly an interface issue, failing to update as such it can potentially happen with other challenges too.
The interesting part is that in the video I couldn’t post I have 2 challenges, one of them is to harvest plant fiber, which is getting updated and completed even off of trying to harvest Yellow Lotus, but the lotus challenge is not giving any feedback. Upon relog though it’s marked as done and able to claim

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