"You were killed by falling through the world" - Random deaths main feedback thread

Hey everybody,

We’ve merged similar threads about this problem into this one to allow for better visibility.
Our team is looking into it at this moment.
Apologies for the frustration.


So do we have any news other than “we are aware and looking at it”

Do I need to keep uploading videos of more problems to be informed better than that?

Please update your player base


For anyone who is having this issue in single player like me.
I suggest you go into admin mode and turn off “drop equipment on death”
It’ll save you a lot of headache until this is resolved.

EDIT…Croms_Faithful has found that remaining in Admin mode may help to stop this dying bug from happening. Staying in Admin mode has worked for me as well. I no longer die instantly from the previous issues inthis post. Give it a shot. Hope it works for others!


To be honest, best solution would be STOP playing until we have new patch to fix it, its just unplayable to be honest. The videos i posted prove this.

We need a patch to fix all this and to be more informed by funcom to it’s player base.


By all means stop playing if its that bad for you.
Im still playing around it, and simply offering a temporary solution, so you can stop from losing gear to random dying.
Ive been hunting thralls, harvesting ore, and building my base up in the meantime.
But if what you want to do in the game cannot be done, by all means stop playing.

For me I’m trying to complete the game, have 7 steps to go and it’s completed and I’m through the wall, I need to get into the ice place and kill the boss, but as video shows can’t walk on the floor. I’ve only built my base for what I need to complete game, Once completed and I’ve walked through wall I’ll start again and then it will be more about long term building and not so much journey steps. So for me it’s put a hold on everything.

Hope patch comes soon :crossed_fingers:

i havent had a chance to play since the update.
I wonder if this issue of being killed by falling through the world, was actually an implemented countermeasure to prevent players from undermeshing.

if that is the case perhaps the settings need to be adjusted.


I,ve got the same problem. I die without reason: “killed by falling through the world”. It’s not a simple bug, you can’t play if you die every 5 minutes. When do you think you can restore the game? and if not can you patch us the old version while you find solutions? I’m on PS4 solo and I don’t have access to all the parameters. . . I never understand why. Please help us I want to play. Sorry my English is not fluently, I hope you understand me. Thanks

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Interesting, but then I’d expect to see this problem happening on servers and it only seems to be an issue with single player games. Hopefully they get it fixed, but I gave up on the borkedness of their sp/co-op mode quite a while ago. This confirms I made the right choice.

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I’ve tried to reproduce the issue but i couldn’t at the moment. I harvested a big rock (bigger than my character) and nothing happened. I’ve killed and skinned a mamouth, and nothing happened.
I went for a walk in the Frost temple, nothing again. No insta-deads for me. It’s really weird.
I have to say that my current character was created after mounts update. Tonight, when i get home, i going to restore one of my pre mounts update character and see what happens.
My english is a little rusty, sorry for that :wink:

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I don’t understand “undermeshing”. What does it mean? For now I préfère to play solo because I’m a little afraid :wink:

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as I understand it, the games environment is essentially a polygon mesh with textures.
Undermeshing is an expolit where players have found ways to get thru the boundary created by this mesh, being able to move undergound for example.

The undermeshing exploits are used by players to enter bases in ways that they should not be able to, as well as building bases in areas which people who are not exploiting have no way of getting to.

hope that helps.


@Rollotomozi thanks for your answer. But I don’t understand right now, because I don’t walk underground or way that I shouldn’t be able to. I will try tomorrow to see what happen but I ‘m afraid because my purge is soon and if I can’t fight or if I die again without reason, it’s not funny. I can’t protect my animals. But thanks for answer me.

@Bertuh so if I understand you haven’t got the problem? You don’t die without reason in Conan exiles? Strange, perhaps the problem is resolve. . . I try tomorrow. I play on PS4 mode solo hors ligne.

@ maud

what I was initially suggesting was that part of the patch included a countermeasure to the exploits people were using to undermesh.
For example, when then try to use the undermeshing exploit, instead of being able to move around, they die by falling through the world.
I am suggesting they made this ‘setting’ a bit too sensitive, and in some instances where a player is in a polygon mesh, such as the rocks, or a dead animal, which is not neccesarily part of the world mesh the game interperets this an someone trying to exploit and undermesh, and lets them drop to their death.


Exactly. I’ve tried to reproduce the problem (harvesting bigger rocks, killing and skinning animals, get in to the Frost Temple, etc.), but everything works fine. Really unexpected after all recent posts about the issue.

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@Rollotomozi thanks, now I understand :sweat_smile: thanks for your patience. I hope they can do something as soon as possible.

@Bertuh maybe they have resolve the problem. . . But why they don’t tell us? I try tomorrow, my purge is really soon so I hope it’s ok. Thanks for your answer.

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I’m close to the purge as well, my first one ever. AND I have to make a new base and move camps, so basically I don’t have any confidence playing till this is resolved.

@Sturmgeist i understand, but how do we know when the problem is resolve?