on server 1313 yesterday without warning a raid time change occurred. the raid time ended an hour earlier, my current clan and I broke into the enemy base and the time was over … although the clock was 21.00
This fact made me very angry … I work a lot and I come to play at 20.00 and 2 hours of the halftime raid, something I’ve got enough to enjoy the game, but because of the bias I felt very sad. PLEASE RETURN MY REID TIME !!!
I suggest that you report the server using the report server button on the server listing page as you log into the game. I believe there is a section on the forum where you can type that the raid time has changed.
These forums are read and responded to by staff in Norway during office hours Monday to Friday. As your forum post was made about 7.30 am on Saturday in Norway it will take another couple of days before anyone from Funcom will read it and contact Gportal to have them check the time zone that server is set to.
The report server form you fill out goes directly to Gportal … perhaps they will resolve it faster.
a whole bunch of days have passed and nothing has changed … g-portal ignores all messages … I write to them every day and everything is going nowhere … Please, funcom help !!!