First , thanks for fixing (almost all of) the key and mouse key mapping problems. (the only problem i still have is when i see a key press prompt for the spacebarkey (i mapped the spacebar to Fire weapon) ; it does not work and i have to click on it with my mouse … but i can live with that)
I bought a ultrawidescreen lately ; never going back
But … with Mutant Year Zero, there is a lot of top and bottom screen missing on 32:9.
Would be great if you guys could fix that. (and maybe give some tips on what are the best settings for ultrawide screens for Mutant in the meantime?)
Have you tried overriding the resolution settings in the ‘GameUserSettings.ini’ file?
You can find it within the (…)AppData\Local\ZoneUE4\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor folder and edit it with notepad or similar.
Tnx for the quick response.
I currently use 1920x1080.
I edited GameUserSettings.ini like this :
But no luck. (far less on the top of the screen compared to 1920x1080)
Should i edit more/other lines?
Apologies for not getting back to you on this in a timely manner, the topics do automatically get locked after a while so it wasn’t at all intentional.
Although official support for ultra wide resolutions is not currently planned, we’ve shared your feedback for the developer to consider in future updates.
As a possible workaround, you could consider looking into the following unoficial patch developed by a member of the community. Please note that this is not supported nor endorsed by the developers, so use it at your own risk.