Game mode: Online private server
Type of issue: Performance | Misc
Server type: PvE
Region: Europe
Base location at Riversend, south of the lake. Purge starts … waiting. Our timer says 15min. 1st wave charges. At this point it’s RNG on which wave the enemys will spawn UNDER the world.
There’s a huge platform UNDER the mountain left and south of Riversend, where Archers can shot through the mountain and cannot be attacked 'cuz they are UNDER the world.
Luckily we (I’m not admin) can use admin-mode to ghost under the world and kill the enemies on that underground plateau.
That’s annoying AF.
Could you please edit the world under the exiled lands or prevent purge enemies from spawning on such underworld plateaus ?
PS: I own the game and all DLCs - I have the right to demand my 0,1% influence to the game
- 3/3 players online to trigger purge
- wait 15min (our timer)
- fight 1-3 waves approaching on the “surface”
- wait for »random« wave and find out they have spawned under the “surface”
Used Mods (in following order):
¬ Less Building Placement Restrictions
¬ Pickup+
¬ Compass Icon
¬ Backpackviewer
¬ Level 250 Mod