A new bug that allows me to use a golem's arm as a weapon

"Hi! I accidentally discovered a new bug that allows me to use a golem’s arm as a weapon :))) But it doesn’t have any attack animation or anything else; it just lets me keep my arms in the same position as a golem when you place it in the world.

The golem’s arm became a separate item that doesn’t have an image but has a name, ‘xx_golem_axe_t1,’ and it takes up a slot in my inventory. It also has a description that says it’s a strength weapon with 43 health damage, 0% armor penetration, 8,100.0 durability, and 0% weight.

It’s pretty funny :joy::joy::joy:"

Okay, I decided to test this bug a little and found out for myself that I don’t deal any damage to anyone, but when I put the new item in a follower’s inventory, they were able to use it as a normal weapon. I was a bit surprised :sweat_smile:


Rip his arms off and beat him to death with the wet end😋


Greetings @Ghost2 ,

Thank you for sharing this!

Can you, please, let us know if you’re playing on an official server, private server or single-player? Let us know the server number if you’re playing on an official one.

Can you also let us know how you gather that item? Please, send us a screenshot of it equipped as a weapon.

Single-player game. I got it by mistake when I wanted to dismantle a weapon. Its interface bugged and allowed me to dismantle the same weapon without it being in the inventory.

I don’t know how to upload a picture.

It seems you didn’t had the permissions do add a screenshot, however I’ve granted you the ability to do so.

Thank you in advance, @Ghost2 !

Thank you for your collaboration, @Ghost2 !

Since this is a single-player, can you, please, send us your save file? If you prefer you can send it through a private message.

You should be able to find it in the following folder: steam\steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Saved