So I went to have dinner whilst my friend played, once I came back he said he found a bugged item, in which when I logged in game to check it’s titled: xx_golem_sword_t2. I can equip it in my hotwheel bar but my character just hold it like it’s a lance when he’s not on a horse and that’s it, no attacking or anything, and in the description it says: XX_DEV_ITEM_ONLY.
there are a lot of peculiar items in the dev spawn, you can craft crossbows etc, so, nothing unusual
That happens sometimes. Just dump the item on the ground and let it despawn when it does. It’s basically useless to you and takes up inventory space.
Thank you for the replies, I think that happened to me before a long time ago but I wasn’t sure If this is important content that Funcom let it slip away. But anyways thank you all.
Yeah, once you build a golem, it won’t have a weapon in its inventory, but for the purposes of game mechanics it still needs a weapon object. We don’t normally see it, but it exists as an item in the code. But it’s not a weapon that can be wielded by player characters.
I’ve also seen a bug that caused thralls and pets to spawn their “unarmed attack” weapons as objects in their inventory. We can’t even give our pets weapons to use, but they use a weapon nevertheless - this “invisible” unarmed attack.
So those weird “weapon objects” are necessary for NPCs to be able to fight, but they’re not supposed to turn visible or interactable by players.
Thanks for the information, but just to give a heads up of another thing that happened, my friend and I went to the sunken city and he was bringing an Iron Golem, and he found a now he wanted to take but he would be overemcumbered If he took it, so he out in the Golem’s inventory and we went to fight a Rotbranch and uhm…the Golem started shooting with the bow on the Rotbranch? I thought it was a visual thing at first but then I noticed that there were actual flintstone arrows that he spawened inside his inventory as a normal thrall would do.
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