A player exploiting the exessive spam banning of clans on server

You do? You should get that checked out :wink:


So many off topic replys to me, I sure hope @CodeMage reported all three of them. Too bad you guys have to derail every conversation I talk in.

While i commend you, truely, his being unhinged has risen to extremely unhealthy behaviour with what he says and does now. He has stated to me that i am " not safe" and “watch your back”. Due to his behaviours, it seriously is unnerving.
My daughters knew the boy who was killed in ks by police after a pissed off gamer called 911 claiming to be him. I know how far unhinged gamers can go


You’re the one derailing it. People responding to your post is not them derailing the thread.
Is everything in you life some one else fault?

PveC advice and ideas :speak_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil:

Proof that you didn’t even read my comment, which is on topic. Every reply to me has not been so they should all be reported.

Stop derailing.

Good lord

2 questions:
1- Do you have any text/video of the threats?
2- Can you obtain any?

If the answer to either question is yes, then report to Funcom, Xbox, and possibly your local authorities. It never ceases to amaze me how unhinged people can get over pixels


Absolutely, at this point is a matter for the police. Report to Twitch as well.


I have text on one threat, reported to xbox and twitch. The other was verbal and was to ignorant how to capture the voice recording before it was too late. I may just call our local police tomorrow to give them a heads up. Thanks guys for the suggestions.
Im hoping funcom will curb the immediate banning on our server and the player will cease this scorched earth idiocy.


I guess they should add “calling out someone’s lies” to the Merriam Webster’s definition of the word “derail”.

In the mean time, might I suggest lying less?

Feel free to flag them. You know how that works, right?

Or do you have no legitimate interest in this topic beyond taking advantage of another opportunity to stir the pot, like you do with the discussions about skinning?

Add another lie to the pile, who’s keeping the score anyway?

Yep. Like I said, exploiting every opportunity to take a dig at someone, hoping they’ll rise to your bait. And then you have the chutzpah to lecture others on derailing. Glad you’re honest about that, at least.

Hey look, two other people said the world is flat so I’m right, the world is flat.


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Oh ok. Guess Im wrong, and you solely target me for flagging only. Gotcha.

In order to do that wouldnt I need to have quoted or mentioned someone? The fact is, that you dont see, is that if people are going to call others conspiracy theorists, liar, or outright wrong and I see proof against that, I keep track. Maybe you dont. Maybe you missed some topics where things were discussed. Either way, my reply above was a note for myself, and then a suggestion to the OP.

The usual crew comes in to derail and mock me (both of which are against the rules, but none of you cared). Have at it, but for the love of god, dont even think about saying I derail threads when you are responsible for this.

How many times have forum users said things very similar to that? Lots, and Ive seen you, Deacon, Jimbo and others all do it. Did you call them out? No.

I see a pattern. People you like, you dont care what they do, or the rules they break. People you dont like you try to throw the book at them and look down at them.

I say this, and you say that. What I say is completely wrong. Oh? Heres proof that others feel the same way. Let people make their observations bud. The skin topic is another one. Notice after the last little discussion there were two more people who used the term like I do? I saw you replied to the topic but 100% ignored their use of it.

Your very much like Codemage.

Now that you guys have your moral superiority topped up for the day, if my comments bother you that much, PM me instead of derailing. Thats all you guys have done here.

Yes, you are

but at least I thought you were literate. You can read, right? I mean, I get that the Shakespeare reference might have gone over your head, but there’s still enough context in there to understand that I was flagging all the off-topic posts by you and @DeaconElie in that thread.

So we see that the truth a long way from “YoU sAiD yOu fLaG eVeRyThiNg ThAt’S oFf ToPiC”. But truth doesn’t really matter to you as much as stirring shіt up, does it?

No. That’s the clever thing about what you do. Or at least you think that’s clever. Take a conversation out of context, use it to take a dig at someone, and then act like you were an innocent victim.

You think it’s about liking @Jimbo or @DeaconElie? Hell, did you miss the thread where @Jimbo took a dig at @DeaconElie – without naming any names, just like you – and I called him out on it? That one got deleted because it got just as toxic as the stuff you’re doing here.

I disagree with @DeaconElie on many counts and I’ve already said what I think about @Jimbo’s attitude quite a few times. So no, this isn’t about liking or disliking people.

This is about toxicity. And no matter how much I disagree with @DeaconElie and @Jimbo, I’ll give them one thing: at least they don’t outright lie.

You’ve been caught twice in blatant lies in this thread alone. You wanna know why I don’t PM you if my comments bother you? Because people deserve to know when someone is lying to them.


Yes, glade you are finally realizing that.

whether it’s 4 or 14 people saying the same thing, wrong is wrong. A bunch of people being wrong doesn’t make it right. Some thing you completely fail to comprehend.

We respond to YOUR DERAILMENT, something else you fail to comprehend.


I went through the whole 3hr:31 min twitch video last nite. Wrote out his words at certain points and mentioned time stamps, added the link to the twitch video. I voiced my concerns again and sent to zendesk at 4am this morning. I hope this works.


That’s honestly the best thing to do. I have my doubts Funcom will respond or any actions will happen, but you’ve done your part.

So you don’t flag everything that’s off topic? Just things you don’t like? So you let things slide if you agree with them? Fine and candy but a bias like that shows people enough.

Guess you really shouldn’t have tried stirring a pot that was never there.

You couldn’t be more wrong, and I know it’s hard with morally superior people to see that. No conversation was taken out of context. You guys are making a mountain out of a mole hill, thinking there is something there that isn’t. If I had wanted to engage with people, I would have quoted or replied to them, as I have done numerous times in the past. You’ll notice I didn’t, that I make an observation targeting or mentioning no one.

Stunning and brave. And completely wrong.

Gloves are off I guess and I’m going to start taking snippets of things you say, and ignore the context of what’s said just to attempt a gotcha.

In this case it’s serial reporters. If someone calls that a conspiracy theory, guess what? Here’s the evidence that THEY are wrong. It’s ok to be wrong. Are you seriously going to tell me that if 10 people say with evidence that a guy is mass reporting that they are all wrong just because you haven’t experienced it? Likely shouldnt use the conspiracy theory or “you’re all wrong” labels in this case.

You’re beyond delusional. What is said in my first comment that’s off topic? Not a damn thing. You guys like on to like the bear to make the thread derail and you succeeded.

Seriously. Go read it again, I don’t have to explain it a third time.