Accuracy Stats Doesn't work

Game mode: [Online ]
Problem: [Bug ]
Region: [North America]

[When you get 40 in Accuracy to get the “Crevice in the Armor” wich give 50% penetraion on all weapon doesn’t work.]

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

  1. Put 40 points in accuracy
  2. Attack a guy with Silent Legion armor
  3. Reset stats
  4. Attack same guy, you don’t do more dmg with the 50% penetration. it’s bug
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Crevice Test

Thrall Armor = 596
Dragonbone Bow = 18 damage, 24% armor pen.
Star Metal Arrows = 13 damage, 8% armor pen.

39 Accuracy - Total Ranged Damage = 58
Light Attack = 21 Damage dealt
Heavy Attack = 32 Damage dealt

40 Accuracy - Total Ranged Damage = 59
Light Attack = 23 Damage dealt
Heavy Attack = 35 Damage dealt

Looks pretty useless to me.

i’m not talking about the bow. It said it give 50% armor pen on any weapon like a sword, etc. But doesnt work.

I’m aware. I was merely proving your point with test results. I just happened to use a bow for that test.
If it worked, we’d have seen a larger damage increase in my test results. So it’s not working.

ok ya so it’s not working at all^^

Actually it does work, it’s just that the results suck.

It’s giving +50% of the value already on the weapon. So an 8% armor pen weapon becomes a 12%.

Check it out…

Without Perk
Dragonbone Axe, 53 Damage, 0% armor pen
Light Attack = 32 Damage
Heavy Attack = 54 Damage

With Crevice in the Armor
Dragonbone Axe, 53 Damage, 0% armor pen
Light Attack = 32 Damage
Heavy Attack = 54 Damage

Without Perk
Dragonbone Axe, 53 Damage, 15% armor pen
Light Attack = 43 Damage
Heavy Attack = 73 Damage

With Crevice in the Armor
Dragonbone Axe, 53 Damage, 15% armor pen
Light Attack = 48 Damage
Heavy Attack = 82 Damage

We see 0 increase on the axe with 0% armor pen. But we ‘do’ see an increase on an axe that has 15% armor pen. So basically it’s multiplicative instead of additive.

This was tested on the same thrall with 596 armor.

Can you test with blade ? I did it with it and vs Silent Legion armor and was doing less dmg with the 50% armor pen.

It’s working with swords.

Thrall in Silent Legion = 880 Armor

40 Strength
39 Accuracy

Telith’s Lament - 53 Damage, 10% Armor Pen
Light Attack: 32 Damage
Heavy Attack: 37 Damage

Telith’s Sorrow - 66 Damage, 15% Armor Pen
Light Attack: 45 Damage
Heavy Attack: 77 Damage

40 Strength
40 Accuracy

Telith’s Lament - 53 Damage, 10% Armor Pen
Light Attack: 37 Damage
Heavy Attack: 42 Damage

Telith’s Sorrow - 66 Damage, 15% Armor Pen
Light Attack: 53 Damage
Heavy Attack: 91 Damage

Interestingly, Brutal Strikes does not seem to work on the first heavy attack with a one-handed sword, but it does apply to the second heavy attack.

If you apply a Spiked attachment to Telith’s Sorrow, the HA damage is bumped up to 130 because it now has 45% armor pen with Crevice instead of 22.5%.

I created a new thread with all the test results.

it’s not worth it using Accuracy for blade, etc. Strenght do more dmg