Aesir rounded wall cannot be placed on foundations to turn your wall design

Basic Info:
Platform: PlayStation 5 (Digital Edition)
Issue Type: Bazaar
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 3748

Bug Description:
Rounded walls of the Aesir bundle cannot be placed on foundations like the straight walls.

Bug Reproduction:
Make a wall on foundations, try to turn it with the piece.


Greetings @erjoh ,

Thank you for sharing this with us!

We’ve forward it to the development team so they can investigate it.

We wish you a great day. :slight_smile:


Same issue here, trying to have flat ground using foundations but the curved walls wont snap unless they are touching the ground.

Curved Aesir Walls can be placed on foundations just fine. Aesir Fortified Curved Walls are the actual walls OP is most likely referring to.

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Place the fortified curved walls first.
But it’s a pain funding a flat enough terrain to use the fortified walls in this set, especially in the north.

Just adding my comment for visibility. The aesir set is impossible to use on 90% of the map on both exiled lands and Siptah

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