So, let’s be honest. There is no team working on bug fixes and other issues. There was a small patch that published all the fixes that were already done at this point and then the team moved on to Dune Awakening.
I understand why Funcom did it in the Dune crunch. But I don’t see the use of this flashbang post about looking ahead.
Because … ultimately, if we knew that CE’s development halted, we could at least mod it into a more polished state. I, for example, have wanted to make a thrall rebalance mod for years now, but I always expected Funcom to publish something that would make such an undertaking superfluous.
Edit: Apparently there will be an update in March - so just ignore my rant.
Just an FYI so you can have that Homer Simpson moment, they released the updated modkit yesterday so moders can get to work updating to the next build.
At the moment I am skeptical. The biggest improvement is the removal of a feature I actually like? I am aware of the problems al-Merayah makes, but fixing things that don’t work is still something different from removing them.
In my ears it does not sound like a shift of attention from new stuff to fixing stuff. It feels more like “no new stuff with the same amount of fixes as before”.
Maybe some workforce was moved to Dune after all. But I tend to be proven wrong, so let’s see what they have for us in the March update.
I learned it just yesterday too, @sestus2009 send me a photo with Funcom announcements and since i read it i closed the console. It made me really sad.
Yes they did and it’s logical. That doesn’t mean that new didn’t came and old ones don’t exist to teach the new stuff. Until then however… .