Funcom Work and Communication Pledge

In the long ago of the last Age of War cluster on summer, 2024, Funcom promised their work and communication would be better around the Conan sandbox game.

In their defense, they never said when this would start.

Now, since I have a low and suspicious mind, I conclude the whole thing was just a bandage over a truly horrible Age that has been followed by an even worse one, because all the bugs introduced and reintroduced are still active and now we have a system that, at best, adds almost nothing to the game while requiring bigger bases, which then can be reported and players banned for violating the November 2021 ToS.

Hey, at least we can still spend money in the bazaar!


Tbf, I haven’t been falling through bases lately
 though that’s like one thing they fixed. The rest is either trivial fixes or worse bugs. They’ve also been suspiciously quiet given all the chaos around here (thralls dying mysteriously, admin level hacks on PC pve servers, and one guy airing out his dirty laundry about some lawsuit). It’s been a weird and frustrating start to the current Age. The question is, when are @den , @AndyB , or @Dana gonna make official statements about these (minus the last one, I don’t wanna know about that)?



Once again - we are merely asking for your engagement. Please. Give us a post. Tell us what’s going on. Catch us up on the platform update issues. Catch us up on the Living Settlement corrections and fixes. Catch us up on the companion quest bug fixes and improvements.

Talk to us. Before it’s too late. Please.


I still fall through bases on private and official servers. Many times it is on logon, but it happens at random spots as well.

I am glad it is not happening to you but I am not even frustrated by the lack of communication any longer. It is standard operating procedure, as are bug filled (and reintroduced) releases.

It would take so little to get the majority of the community on their side.

  • Weekly communication (even just a no reply announcement)
  • A list of bugs being tracked with status

Sadly, this appears to be beyond the will of the production and support teams.


Exactly. What we are asking for should be a standard. That we must beg for it is pathetic.


@stelagel has a funny picture about that.
Just today had to use the specially built trap door to get out from under the base.


There you go :rofl:


 must just be my server then.



Let this one help.
Dune is coming, Conan is irrelevant.
Even if the dev left to it has ambition, the company is not committing resources.
It’s not just the Forums they don’t respond on.
It’s any Conan tm social media.
Meanwhile, create an account on the Dune discord and enjoy the open conversations.


It’s truly disappointing to see things handled in this manner. Products should hold significance to its creators.

One can’t help but wonder - what if, in the future, Dune finds itself in the same position as Conan Exiles is today? In such a scenario, the Dune community could be met with the same silence we’re experiencing now.
The thought is unsettling, a reminder of how easily communities can feel abandoned


It’ll never be too late for the people who are still playing this game (and more importantly buying from the Bazaar) despite failure, after failure, after failure, after failure, after failure. They know this and also know they can just tell people “we’ll do better in the future” and people will believe it.


Funcom has been around for 30 years now, their reputation is well known. It’s just sad to see them take a steaming crap on the game that saved their company. They must really be confident Dune is going to be successful.


What does this tells to everyone ?

I am still waiting to hear how they will do with the disastrous settlement system . And old bugs still present.

Do you guys/gals still believe they are not lying to us ?


My take is that it is less lying and more on the order of a toddler trying to not be in trouble for an action that parents witnessed.

But I may be giving them too much credit.

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“If” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
This is SOP for funcom. My opinion is 6 months after Dune drops the Dune discord posters will know what it’s like to be ghosted by funcom.

My take is IF we still have an active community manager, their hands are tied and they can’t say anything that isn’t scripted by the head office.

Welcome to the basement, grab a blanket, pic a spot on the floor, and if you feed the rats they’ll leave you alone at night.


And let’s face it, a toddler probably wouldn’t be doing a much worse job on the development side at this point either

They will experience it - 100% certainty. As soon as Funcom has got their money, they will no longer be of any more interest than we are.


also a good morning would be apreciated. :grin:


God forbid people work like everyone else, right.
Almost all real problems we have now are solutions for the phantom problems people keep talking about.

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Except, of course, that they aren’t ‘phantom problems’ and you are just doing your usual tactic of dismissing every bug in the game that doesn’t directly affect you as being ‘the fault’ of the people experiencing the bug. And you wonder why no one had any sympathy for you when you finally experienced a bug yourself.


What are these ‘phantom problems?’

So you have a list or is your assertion made without evidence?