Age of War Chapter 2 stream

I’m not sure how many of you watched the feed this morning, but there is a lot of promise on the new chapter. Some of my concerns have been addressed such as the relevance of dungeons. It seems they will be useful again. However, any question I asked regarding Playstation graphical repairs were ignored, so fingers crossed they are fixing some of the skin and rendering issues. I like the fact the purge can be turned on at will. My coffer is sitting at the 2.1 million gold mark, so I can get level X attacks immediately. I hope they are as challenging as the devs say they are.

Multiple clans can now get purged at the same time, and I know I plan to run them as often as possible. This is obviously going to put more stress on servers, so my biggest concern is can the servers handle it? I guess we’ll see.

It is disappointing that the general purge is now off. I was hoping something would be done against mega builders on official PVE servers as some of these bases are just ridiculous these days. There needs to be a way to damage these bases. Especially players who do nothing more than log on for 10 seconds to reset decay timers and then bounce.


Thanks for the update missed the video time zones got me again.


I’ve been critical of the PS5 performance, I won’t deny that, but if this release has some strong QoL fixes and it can successfully handle large and dangerous purges, I’m all in. My concern is that they haven’t and things will now be even worse with the added animations and AI.

Fingers crossed.


i am not getting good vibes :thinking:


Yeah, there was a ton of rubber banding in the live stream. A ton of it. Hence my apprehension.


How much worse will this update break the game??? I know it wont go as intended!


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