Please use this thread to discuss Age of War Chapter 2 update on PS4.
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Please use this thread to discuss Age of War Chapter 2 update on PS4.
Discussions of other patches and platforms should not be held here but in their respective forum sections instead.
Any progress on the invisible assets yet? I see from the patch notes that invisible rhino mounts and the recipe book in The Dregs were fixed, but how about everything else…? And no fix for the Thrall Pot and the pet Feeder Box!? This is considering we are about to participate in a purge revamp. Do players and clans seriously have to manually place food in the inventories of dozens of thralls and pets, and potentially in between waves too if they exhaust their supply?
Excellent question
It’s downloading! Let’s see what we’ll get, good luck guys.
Elephants are visible, I repeat, elephants are visible
Can’t get past the server loading screen.
I can confirm. I also cant get in to server.
I had the same problem. You need to restart your PlayStation
Furniture inside the tavern in Sepermeru is still invisible.
the official serve i am onr has a new setting listed…
unconscius time 600 sec
***Avatarlifetime 60.0 ***
max clan size 10
PVE-C server without the new server setting in the list worked
the official serve i am onr has a new setting listed…
unconscius time 600 sec
***Avatarlifetime 60.0 ***
max clan size 10
PVE-C server without the new server setting in the list worked
Dismantling bench is fixed, @3LiON .
Died in my home from a sandstorm.
Any update to invisible world animals like Elephants and the King Rhino? How about Rocknose and Camel pets?
Oh my god… The game freezes once again on PS5 when browsing the battle pass. Which is failry poor, might i add. Basically the same items as before with a couple of exceptions. Also the new “interesting” loot in chests so far seems to be the same junk i can craft myself, i actually thought there would be something new. Also the building issues are still there. When you stack foundations the top one still can’t be rotated in every direction and the Aesir set snapping issues are also still present. Well done.
Something good has happened, though. I heard that the nonsense Khitan or whatever traders are finally gone, this is great news.
The merchants in mer-kamose l’s spire are gone. Not sure if they moved. What is the point in collecting blood crystals and getting the coins if you cant buy anything with the coins? They still have the merchant that takes blood crystals and gives you the supply chests with the coins but you cant do anything with those coins.
I can’t seem to be able to place the mercenary banners. The game says it must be placed in friendly land claim. I tried inside/outside the base and during/outside of purge. Am I doing something wrong?
The treasure is decaying or disappearing before my eyes! I did set it down in my base.
It seems like it remains in decay state.