Age of War Chapter 4 Public Beta Discussion Megathread

I wonder what feedback they are listening to.
Maybe it’s just the voices in their heads?


Dennis’s, or at least that is my opinion. And he plays with a game pad.
He is why we have the personal light now.

Is any one else having new plants that are unaffected by the foliage setting?
Looks like the have added new plants and grass models that aren’t part of that setting.

ETA: Not sure if this is good or bad but the Stygian dancer boob bug hasn’t been fixed. Haven’t tested the berserker yet.

He is also the reason why we have this ATROCIOUS combat system.


When it comes to combat settings I’ll leave that to the PVP players. If they like it I know I will.
The way it is now if I miss it’s a skill issue :flushed: But there are things that aggravate the pug out of me.
Like the gang bang stun lock. Which only seems to function one way.
The attack knock back, which again only seem to function one way.

If I get set on by a group the first stun and I’m done. I am going to stay in that stunned state till I get beat to death even if it’s a gang of L1 darfari. Seen the same thing happen to thralls.

And attack knock back. Enemy comes at me with a heavy weapon they draw the weapon back I hit them and I might as well have been blowing them a kiss. Their first attack hits, heavy weapon stun, full combo, I’m dead. WTF, I just did a leaping attack with a legendary ax, didn’t even pause their attack.

Where as I swear they can knock my attack with a good fart.

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At least Enshrouded listened to its players regarding stack splitting.


• Improved support for stack splitting in the backpack and chests. The size of the split stacks can now be selected freely.


You need to dodge roll immediatly when you get hit.

Dodge rolls are free to use. Put at least 15 into agility and you don’t roll like a sack of potatos.

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I’m not sure that thinking one knows better than one’s players is a sound business strategy.

For some things that are controversial and where the player-base is split… sure, you have to make your own judgement call. But for things where the vast majority of players express a preference contrary to your own development ideas, it’s probably wiser to simply try to make your customers happy…

Likewise with things that are much requested. Try to make your customers happy. Try not to make them upset. Like by, say, as an example completely of the top of my head, removing a virtually essential QoL feature for no apparent reason.


Continuing the discussion from Age of War Chapter 4 Public Beta Patch Notes (Update 27 March 2024):


OH MY Set what have you done :scream_cat:

Going to check the new event, my hunting lodge is close, but also close to the Stygian keep. I can’t look at the keep with out my fps dropping to slide show levels. Looking away from the keep 70fps, looking at it 15fps :astonished:

Standing there looking at it it slowly creeps up to 30ish. But look away, look back

That’s why @Xevyr 's PVE Siege disabler is a must have when I play. The lag that introduces is not worth whatever marginal benefit you get from the whole stygian keep event.

On that front there’s some good news :stuck_out_tongue:
The hunt event’s cave, while located under the siege fort… is actually not part of it, so even with the fort removed on the public beta, there’s still a nicely accessible cave on the south side to do the event in.


Awesome :heart: I really don’t know how I’d continue to play this game with out the amazing mods you and all the other modders create. Thanks so much

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Loving how they added a hot key for use/equip but are sticking to their guns with the worse stack splitting…
Guess it’s something…

Did the patch at least address the permanent God mode (if you’re not admin) glitch from fatalities?

Always the same:
“Devs dont listen to players”.

  • Devs often listen to more players than players because devs know what players do in the game. What they engage with and what they use. I myself dont like WoW, but Ion once said something important to that effect: “In forums, people complain about missions tables. In game, most players engage with it way beyond the required amount”.

“Modders make the game”.

  • I am a modder. I believe my continuous playing of the game is in grand part thanks to my mods. That does not mean my mods are fundamental for “everyone” to play the game, nor any mod is. Being a modder is easy, because if some players dont like our mods, they simply dont use it. However, if players dont like the game, they dont play it. Again, Yoshi-P said something to that effect: “The worse is not the player that complain at forums, but the players that leave silently”.

I am sure the devs what they do for a reason, and they know way more about their game than any player might.
I know for a fact they do listen because I have seen one too many things players have suggested THE RIGHT WAY and they were implemented.
And I know that many things people suggest through this forum, me and many other players would stop playing the game the moment it was implemented. Devs know that too.

I always wonder what “vast majority” is that when the “vast majority” of the players do not make videos, do not post in forums, do not share their views on the game. Imagine tens of thousands of people manifesting their views ? How could one miss that ? Where are the tens of thousands of people making videos, posts and saying what they want publicly ?

You would need at least around 6000 players consistently sharing their views on issues, and not only that, but agreeing, to assume “the majority” of players say something.

If you take a sample of the players who share their views on issues here, they are not even “the vast majority of the posters”, as one too many people here post screenshots, tutorials and experiences, or funny stuff and do not make statements about the systems of the game.

That DOES mean if something “the vast majority of players” agree is that there is no reason to complain about the “vast majority” if issues few players point out.

That’s some intense copium.

Code wise perhaps but many players know way more about the way players engage with the content. Do you truly believes the devs engage in continous play in official servers and engage with all the content in a non-test environment? I don’t believe so. One example of this was in a stream when one dev did not know what the PVEC game mode was.



This should be an option for private servers on consoles.

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Question @Xevyr. So just to clarify, do we need to fight our way through the Al Merayah fort to access it, or is the entrance outside of the external perimeter wall?

it’s past the outer wall, so you have to get through that, there’s a door to the right at the base of the gate-tower

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I have yet done any of the new stuff. Been busy trying to be the server concierge.
I figure if it’s convenient for me why not share.

:brazil: feedback Conan Exiles @Community

Esse será o problema para os novos e parece que a funcom não pensa sobre esse assunto mas os jogadores após as eras “Age of Sorcery” “Age of War” e futuras que virão não irá poder jogar ou refazer novamente os eventos que não funciona em qualquer modo de jogo, mas a maioria dos novatos não verão os eventos se a funcom ficar removendo os eventos quest e masmorras. A era anterior a atualização 3.0 existia o mandingueiro que foi removido em “local da invocação” isso está fora de controle :sleepy:

Sugestão e esperança: Ainda espero que “os Deuses” que faz MOD salve o jogo para toda a comunidade como sempre fazendo uma opção de poder jogar em servidor onde podemos escolher a era antes de instalar ou antes de iniciar o jogo de Conan Exiles :star_struck: