Age of War Chapter 4 Public Beta Discussion Megathread

So Conan is your first game or does some one else buy you your games?

The change it’s self is minimalist at best. The real change is functionality.
I like the stack transfer makes sorting out my pack loot in to chests easy, and saves a lot of time.

Changing the way the right mouse button works is pure :poop: I’m splitting stacks when I want to use item. Thing is you could always split stacks with the right mouse button simply by holding the right button and dragging. This is yet another change that didn’t need to be made, and just made a process needlessly more complex.

As I have said before Conan is being developed for one person and that person uses a game pad. The thing is they seem to have forgotten just whom they are developing Conan for, it’s not Dennis, or tencent. It’s us, the players. With out us there is no Conan, or funcom, or tencent. So some one needs to wake up and remember just whom this game is being developed for.


FYI: The only way I have found to repair epic armor; redeemed legion, is with repair kits; grand master.
So the way to make grand master repair kits great again is by taking away the ability to repair epic armor at the bench?

Yes I will be testing armors as I can today. I’d think it was a bug, but, funcom.

Oh now this is cool. They’ve added perfected padding to dungeon loot; well in warm makers.

ETA: Having issues with moving or should I say not moving some items from my pack to chests. No idea what is causing it. Not doing the alpha thing because that would take the effort of writing crap down to keep track of it.

Also added some in raid and purge loot.

How droll, I assume you know this isn’t true. And yes, I literally meant what I said. I can’t think of another game I’ve played where I’ve disliked a rework so much.

In case it wasn’t clear, I was referring to the UI rework as a whole, not just the aesthetics.

Edit: & Yes, you’re right, the Stack-Split feature removal is the worst part… and the least comprehensible.

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:brazil: feedback

Sim sua ideia é muito bem vinda, isso deveria ser ajustado e não deveria fazer parte dos seguidores da mesma forma que não devem atacar ou ser atacados quando estiver dentro de sua bancada… É um ajuste que deveria funcionar dessa forma :slightly_smiling_face:

:brazil: feedback Conan Exiles @Community @Funcom_Community

Falaram e confirmaram sobre isso e ainda estamos esperando o mesmo que acontece com nosso barman acontecer a mesma interação com todos que já existem, incluindo alterar as roupas de todos… Obrigado por lembrar sobre essa promessa que a funcom ainda não resolveu mas também queria ver artesão nas bancadas de golem guardião… Só não pode fazer os artesão de bancada seguir para guerra ou fazer parte do total de seguidores, mas a funcom deveria colocar a opção de não poder remover o artesão de qualquer bancada por que ele deverá seguir apenas quem faz parte do clã. Para o PVP se explodir a bancada o artesão fica parado no mesmo lugar sem virar item e não podendo ser resgatado por outro clã que fez o RAID :relieved:

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I do apologize to whom ever’s thrall was left out on testlive. I had to test something. Thralls will not defend themselves from the night prowling werehyenas.

So if your thralls get set out side and vanish while you’re off line…

Oh wow, edit to add, everyone in the volcano is aggressive.

WTH are they doing to this game…

Fun part is while I’m getting pounded on by the prayer group; shrine of the oracle, my thrall stands there till she actually gets attacked. Need some one that understands the new thrall system to explain it in crayon.

Man I feel self concision because most every maproom by an obelisk on testlive I built.
Old man has places to go and people to see.

And back to the gang stung lock deaths. fricked T1 NPCs took out me and my cimmerian berserker with the gang stunlock.

:sweat_smile: ???

Feral claws still have LOWER damage compared to others claws , Just a example:
black claws have 58 damage and have acid status.

Feral claws have Just 40 damage and no status buff or anything.

We Will waste time making a event KILLLING 4 Bosses to get a trash claw?

Also the New pet still bugged entering in the ground and still have 0 in all status.


Why wont my thralls defend themselves from the nightstalkers, the werehyenas?
They just stand there and let themselves get shredded.

Pretty sure the top 3 threads once ch4 goes live will be about.

1: Changing split stack.
2: Change to the dryers bench.
3: Thralls not defending themselves from the night stalkers.

My 4th. Removing the the ability to right click to select/use in one tap. But that is part of the split stack change.

But, considering that people seem to be using placed thralls as land claims now, leave the werehyenas alone. Maybe people will learn to put their thralls away.

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Ok, got to file a bug report :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: everything I put in my horses pack/inventory, vanishes to the nether world.

ETA: Has been reported.

Well that is just plain old horse sh… :slight_smile:

funcomed right in the horse packs.

Be funny if it was new mechanic. You have to wait for your horse to poop out anyhthing you put in its inventory:)

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Could be that’s a new upgrade path. Horses as a crafting station. I mean… We already have reinforced stools aka tough @#$&.

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So I happened upon this statement on the Conan Exiles blog site earlier today:

And I quote:

"Once again, we want to thank all of you for your feedback and support. Make sure to share your impressions and report any bugs as we do listen and it does help".

You know I was hoping I could have followed on with something positive, but I am affraid not. At best they have selective hearing, and at worst they have become completely out of touch as to what the playerbase actually wants. So tell me then, will the team be listening to:

  • calls to make Legendaries repairable again?
  • calls to increase enemy respawn timers at Al Merayah?
  • requests to get the Pet rebalance completed some 1.25 years after its announcement
  • pleas not to nerf the Sword of Crom?
  • pleas not to replace the current stack sorting system with the incoming stack split one?
  • repeated requests to fix the broken Thrall Pot & Pet Feed Box?
  • requests to fix invisible Golden Lotus nodes?
  • any feedback whatsoever in relation to the Black Lotus Bazaar, be it pricing or rotation?

I or other members could post a wall of additional examples here, though I fear it will further reinforce the point.


Please, please, PLEASE
fix this bug. We have been reporting it since the Age of Sorcery Ch2.