Polite Reminder: Please Fix the Thrall Pot & Pet Feeder Box

Basic Info:

Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: Singleplayer
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: N/A

Bug Description:

Not meaning to sound like I am nagging. But the Thrall Pot and pet Feeder Box are currently broken and do not function at all. It appears to affect all modes and platforms. We can deposit food into them, however, followers will not feed from them and gain no health recovery from them. Furthermore, the column which used to appear down the right had side when players enter their inventories, listing the followers, is missing entirely. Myself and numerous other members have been pointing this out in both individual Bug Reports and the feedback Megathreads for patch notes for well over 6 months now, and it has yet to be fixed. While I cannot say for certain how long ago it was first reported, I do know that it has present since at least the beginning of the Age of War. I would also like to add that this is relevant to the Age of War, as it helps our followers survive against the the might of the Stygian forces. Funcom please, PLEASE fix the broken Thrall Pot and pet Feeder Box.

Bug Reproduction:

  1. build a new thrall pot or pet feeder box, or approach an existing one.
  2. open the inventory.
  3. notice that the list of followers which would normally appear on the right hand side is missing entirely.
  4. notice your thralls do not have the food bonus or the ‘buff’ icon above their health bars.
  5. spawn or lure enemies to damage your followers to test if they consume foodstuffs from them.
  6. notice said foodstuffs go untouched.
  7. report the issue time and again.

I second this. It takes time to feed an entire company of thralls individually.


I agree this needs to be fixed; especially since funcom is pushing this new purge system. If we are expected to run purges more often, then we need working thralls pots and feed boxes


I have found that thralls take meat and honey, but not gruel or other dishes.

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Wow 11 likes on a Bug Report thread! I was very surprised when I logged in this morning. That to me communicates that either I) people really want this fixed, II) the issue is widespread, or III) both of the above.

Agree. It is loborious having to distribute the food to them individually, especially for players who have a large number of followers guarding their base. Furthermore, it become impractical attempting to check and restock them all during a Purge.

Yep, couldn’t have said it better. Very succinct Mustangblue2001!


I guess the latter is the case. :sweat_smile:

Exactly that! :point_up_2:
Makes it feel more like farming simulator “barbarian edition”.
The next update is probably going to implement a new mechanic, giving us the long desired chance to tell each of them a bedtime story! :sleeping: :shushing_face:

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