AGE OF WAR - New Thrall Stats

I have the same problem… and I think many will. :frowning_face:

I guess there’s gonna be a line at the summoning place for the next few days.

It’s all so illogical and stupid, and there’s no reason for it… that I thought: what if some ultra-left organization complained about Fankom? Like the fact that they have blacks exposed in a bad light … and they are weak, and savages, and cannibals! Well, Fankom decided to rehabilitate itself by rebalancing: the weakest will become the strongest. :roll_eyes:

Ugh I had that same thought this morning

The issue is, the Relic Hunters, being the second most inclusive faction (right behind the Black Hand) were top dog for awhile.

If it was a diversity issue, no reason not to leave the multi-cultural Relic Hunters up top.

Digging into the numbers, based on where the strength level starts at Level 0, the Darfari are still half the damage of a Cimmerian Berserker, even if both level strength every single time. It appears the damage bonus per strength % is weighted due to starting position.

RHTS were always lower on strength, but their Vitality was high, not as high as Devotees, but high.

Dalinsia and the Berserkers are closer than before, and it seems the volcano faction has been taken down a bit.

I was never a big fan of the RHTS, preferring Berserkers and Dalinsia, but it does not appear all the wailing is completely justified. Remember, these numbers are all based on the strength level of the thrall. A combat multiplier of 10 means nothing if a thrall has 3 strength.

I will give it some time to play out.

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:grinning: Can’t really understand all the moaning of thrall nerfs too. Funcom provides the possibility to everyone to use mods in a way they like. Easy to use pippi to create thralls for the own playing style. 20k health, 5k str, 4k agi all no problem to change. Hate that op legendary weapons are losing their durability? Change server setting to 0. npc make to much damage on you? Lower their damage in server settings to 0.1. You feel to weak? Rise you dmg also in server setting to 10.

All changes Funcom introduces into the game are something like a guess - nothing less, nothing more. So much settings can be easily changed by every player. No one needs to play on official server. Setting up an own dedicated server is as much as easy.

So from my point of view it nearly dosen’t matter at all Funcom is chaning on game mechanics. The whole discussion about this issue is imho useless. This game offers so much options to adjust things in a way every player can meet their way things to do. This is not TOS or other games on which the player massively depending on what the gaming studio is doing or not.

Keep calm and enjoy CE. It’s worth it.


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allow me to differ, Melee Modifier means MUCH more than Strength Bonus.

Strength Bonus = 0.8% per level.
So it’s 8% every 10 levels … but let’s say 10% every 10 level for easier maths.

Let’s say Berserkers have 2.5 melee modifier (it’s actually lower for them).
Let’s say Brutes have 3.0 melee modifier (it’s actually higher for them).

Let’s say they are both equipped with a 100 Damage Weapons (100 for easy maths).

With 0 Strength:
Brutes: 300
Berserker: 250

With 10 Strength:
Brutes: 330
Berserkers: 275

With 20 Strength:
Brutes: 360
Berserkers: 300

With 30 Strength:
Brutes: 390
Berserkers: 325

With 40 Strength:
Brutes: 420
Berserkers: 350

So Berserkers need to have 20 levels in Strength more than Brutes to be ROUGHLY ON PAR with them.

That IF Brutes and Berserkers had the same increase, but NO … Funcom needed to overdo. So Berserkers gain 0.4% while Brutes gain 0.8%.

CANNIBAL BRUTES, that go down with 2 swing of Steel Truncheon and level 10 times faster than Berserkers. Yeah, nice job Funcom. As always you proved there’s a standard of idiocy needed to work with you.

One cannot be a simple imbecil to work with you, no, he must to be a top-tier idiot to make all the worst choices without making one right not even by chance. Cause a normal idiot, by chance, would have made at least 1 correct decision in that balance table.


E quando aparece um novo BUG? Alguém vai ajustar isso?

What damage formula did you use?
I was targeting the latest from the wiki (Fighter - Official Conan Exiles Wiki). If you do not take into account the last two multipliers, which do not depend on the power components of the fighterl, then with your example, I get different results. In addition, you, seemed, did not take into account that the berserker at level zero already has 15 power points, i.e. 6% bonus.

That last two modifiers I did not take into account cause:

  • the first one is pretty much irrelevant (like +0.X%)
  • the second one appliers to all so it doesn’t change proportions.

Also my formula was much simplified to explain how much hidden modifiers count, but you’re welcome to post full calculations for both Cannibal Brutes and Cimmerian Berserkers.

I’d like to see how they fare at: lv.0 (base attributes) - lv.10 (+10 in VIT and STR) - lv.20 (+30 in VIT and STR). Of course you also need to add base attributes to them (which is +10 STR, +30 VIT for Berserkers),

I’m sure we’ll see how Cannibal Brutes are EXTREMELY SUPERIOR.

Of course. The gap between 2.2 berserk, Dalynsia, vulcaneers and 3.0 Darfarians is monstrous, and with leveling it only grows. The Darfarians are even much stronger than the Champion of the Arena))
Such a huge gap cannot be explained by purely playful, pragmatic considerations. Something else intervened here, IMHO.

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Why do you think thralls almost nobody has were the ones most buffed?
Why do you think thralls everyone has were nerfed to the ground?
So you have to replace them = more time playing.
They spared berserkers so we don’t go crazy and it doesn’t become too obvious.
Why do you think these new thralls need a considerable effort to become viable, due to their low hp?
These changes have one aim, that go along with the rest: making you spend more time playing. Or do you think carrying a treasure back is a snail like activity because of poor design? Or that you can’t repair legendary items so they are cooler?
Geez dudes, open your eyes! :smile:
I just think they should use better ways to make us want to play instead . But those need considerably higher investment and we don’t know their constraints. Tencent is a money making machine. Funcom probably needs to meet certain numbers and this is a way of getting there. Probably they don’t have many options either.


With this approach, in the next update, the imps will be the most powerful creatures in the game.
We are outraged because the changes made grossly violate the logic and philosophy of the game, its very soul. And this is not something that can be changed with one stroke of the pen.

Now we will drag treasures to our bases.
Then the Stygians will come with catapults, which will easily destroy even the most multi-layered buildings (I have no doubt).
Now we are assured that we will be able to purchase protection for the treasures themselves, i.e. for gold from chests.
But I have very strong suspicions that in the end you will have to pay dollars out of pocket.

They can’t go too far.
We still need to have fun and some fairness. Just don’t think every change in the game has the reasons it used to have. There are new variables at play. This is both positive and negative. More content and activities come with a cost.

I did just that. I first started by using my best berserker with high health and damage (he was nerfed again this update and health went down again) that was in epic gear with a high damage weapon that I have been using for weeks, and I had to pull him out of the same small camps I have been using him on when his health dropped quickly to under 50% against basic thralls.

Thinking Berserkers might have had a coding problem, I tried another top tier fighting thrall in epic gear and it was the same thing- certain NPCs (non-boss) did ridiculous damage quickly that resorted in having to retreat while other thralls seemed fine.

My buddy also on the same siptah server, had to pull his thrall off fighting (demand to stop and sent to corner of room on stop) while doing the twice drowned vault, one of the weakest vaults on Siptah.

I had plans to do the grey pools (statues in my inventory ready to go) which are not super easy after previous thrall nerfs and was later going to do some surges but after testing a couple basic camps and NPCs and a few 1 skull NPCs, I decided this would not be a good idea after this update so plans were dropped.

Certain NPCs that were previously weak on siptah like the jailers, remained weak while others (like a simple fighter III) were now OP and hitting like a truck. It was difficult to predict what would hit like a truck and what would be similar or a little more damage than normal. Balance isn’t there as some things are now super (too) weak like elephants which they have nerfed into the ground (they never did much damage but had high health) and can now be killed in 3 hits. Thralls now tame out in record time. I placed a horse and named armorer minutes before a server restart (probably to correct the loot drop problem) and both were already tamed out when server came back up.

On top of the nerf and health going down on all thralls, certain NPCs that were already tough (the Grey ones for example) were made even more OP and were taking one more hit than previous to kill (health was supposed to be nerfed while damage increased on these) so either the health was not decreased on these thralls or my weapons (agility build with high damage katana and short sword) were nerfed as well.

Add in that a lot of weapons had huge nerfs to stats when crafting ((like the legion weapons on siptah- saw no mention and I am talking 15-20pt damage decrease) and all the other crap going on, two hours in and I spent the rest of the day dismantling everything and making two body vaults.

If the treasure system had been intriguing, I might have stayed but honestly, I just do not see the incentive to run around collecting loot as there is little immediate benefit. Even the upcoming events centered around the treasure system just does not sound entertaining.

I have played this game since day one 2017 and like many others, have a hard time logging in. While I am not going to say I will never return, I have less incentive to do so every nerf/patch/update over these past couple of years and looking at Conan player numbers, I am certainly not alone.


Darfari Fighter 1, melee multiplier 1,47. Stronger than named pirates like Teimos, Braggi and Cruaid. How can it be?

Allow me to settle that dispute for you guys…

All you had to do was actually LOOK at that spreadsheet lol… all those columns have notes in the header if you hover your mouse over them…



What dispute? You are simply pointing to a chart, did you do thorough testing yesterday to verify coding was correct on all thralls on the update?

I gave real game examples of using thralls for two hours in the same situations I have been using them for years and the change (whether coded correctly or not) along with the ridiculous stam changes that turn PVP into 30 minute gymnastic battles was enough for me to body vault in case I decide to ever return.

While I did not see an issue with the damage the thralls were doing, I did see an issue with the amount of damage they took and this did not appear to be due to a simple health nerf, it appeared to be due to incorrect coding of some (not all) NPCs and I got tired of guessing which NPCs would drop my fully leveled Epic geared berserker to half health in 2 seconds.

Something is certainly amiss