Which is a shame, as you certainly agree @Kapoteeni .
The thing here is while some players don’t even need thralls, others need the best they can have. The game could accommodate both playstyles. I’m not sure it will now.
I’m fine with that
Have at it:
Your choice argument is way worse though Would you kindly choose to walk up using the stairs to the 97th floor of a skyscraper… or would you rather take the elevator if there is one?
It’s not really a choice is it… at least not in a way you’re trying to sell it
If I’m complaining I need exercise, but instead I eat shit and don’t use stairs, then I just lost my mind. I won’t ask a ban for fast food or elevators because I can’t control my lazzyness.
You are saying that is right, @Xevyr .
And I’m not selling anything. We all payed because of others lack of self-restraint. Don’t want a strong thrall? So, don’t get one. Simple.
And honestly… isn’t that what the large majority of average people do?.. Hellooooo? have you looked around?
Bottom line is this… when you present a “choice” that’s so out of whack with balance… after a certain point it’s not really a choice… cuz it will make you feel like shit instead…
AoS sort of nailed it… you could CHOOSE to invest in thralls and be slightly weaker yourself… or you could CHOOSE to not invest in thralls and end up with roughly a similar performance…
Here, it’s not a competition… you saw the first Thag fight where I was damaging stuff… I did what? like 20% of the total? and the thrall had 0 authority :))
So no, this is not a choice… this is where your choice argument goes to die
I don’t really care.
It’s up to each person.
People who can’t control themselves ruined it for those who can. I’ll never see that as a good move, no matter what you say.
And, again, you presented an exceptional scenario in that video, then extrapolating from it for all situations. I just wonder how it will REALLY be. You know, during all the phases and varied situations the game presents.
Heh, I’m getting a purge now. Wanna see the Ladagara fight?
Edit: twas locusts. Easy purge.
Am I the only one extremely annoyed by the stupidity of certain choices cuch as the 2.8 ranged multiplier on Cannibal Brutes ?
Hell, if it was me they would have 0 as ranged multiplier as they and the berserkers are the only NPC in this game I don’t see using bows.
No one has yet confirmed that the table data reflects the real change in the game. At least the health indicators of the thralls match. Has anyone got an update yet?
Either we’re receiving an unexpected huge update or the Age of War just went live. I always reinstall the game when a new Age begins or when we have a massive update.
I just downloaded FFXVI. I guess the fantasy will have to wait, 'cause I’ll go get a Tugra asap.
This was exactly my point. @Xevyr talks about legendaries, talks about named thralls, damage output, leveling vitality with the knowlegde of food perks etc pp. He is looking through at it with his veteran experiences on. I do not blame him, he is a modder and a veteran player and certainly big into numbers. And when it comes to numbers he is absolutly correct. I respect him for his knowlegde. Kudos!
But: and here comes the but… Reality is, not all people are veteran players. Most are casuals and Single players. A lot do not go to forums. They have a much different experience and a much different approach when it comes to learning and understanding the game. Not all people are focusing on high end gear and numbers and know which food and potion does what. And they also expect their thralls to keep the purges at bay.
The discussion focuses much on T4 named thralls. Thralls with a certain output on damage and vitally. But what is with the rest of the thralls? We need to take under consideration that people that start out with the game have their own view on how thralls should work. They get their thralls in the wheel and expect them to do the fighting job. They expect their thrall to be “good” and “powerful” enough to dominate the npc´s at least in the starting area. They do not get made to get slaughtered that easily. And that is, because people still lack the experience and knowlegde but also enter and encounter the game with a certain expectation. And if this expectation is not met they leave and do not come back.
The game can not be keept alive only with veteran players. We need fresh blood and therefore can not always look from this one sided perspective that only includes veteran playstyle. A veteran player will allways argue that the difficulty level of the game is to low. And sadly Funcom seems to try to adapt the numbers because most people in this forum are veteran players and the discussions are reflecting veteran experience 99% of the time.
My point all along. I don’t complain because of me. I will always have SP mode to play with my dolls!
It’s what expects newbies and players unskilled at fighting…
I really want this game to be successful.
Then Funcom should fire 90% of its employee and start over.
Game cannot be successful if they have guys that make such STUPID balance.
I said lots of times already and I’ll keep saying it: who made that balance is a fu*kin IDIOT that should work in a circus, cleaning, instead of making games.
@JohnnyWylder , chill. You don’t need to get personal. It can be frustrating, but that’s not the way to go about it. I might be wrong too. I thought AoS would tottaly destroy thralls and they came out ok. It might happen the same.
Some changes don’t seem to make sense, but you need to calm down, eh?
Otherwise you’ll get the same thralls and a suspension on the forum.
You see, with me it always goes like this when it comes to thralls:
How FUNCOM tweaks thralls:
How @MarcosC antecipates the tweak:
@Xevyr knows it. That’s why he teases me.
How can I calm down ?
Now I have to take all those RHTS that I’ve broght to 20 and thrash them … and, on top of that, now I have to go catch CANNIBAL BRUTES to put on the WALLS as ARCHERS !
It doesn’t make any fu*kin sense !
And months of work assembling a good army thrown in the f*ckin toilette because some idiots (cause this they are) decided to get drunk when balancing th game.
I’ll start from scratch. I want to test the whole thing.
And I’m just curious to know why on earth and who decided that almost the weakest faction in the game should suddenly become the strongest? Why did you decide that the newcomer should face the strongest NPCs at the beginning of the game?
Their health pool is really low. They just hit very hard.
So, see you all in a few hours. I’m gonna dive in to it now.
But I’m ok with them having HUGE melee multiplier (if their health stays low - but notice it grows quickly with each level of VIT)
But I cannot stand their HUGE ranged multiplier.
It’s the wrongest thing on earth.
They quickly gain health when leveling. Look, in the ‘health/vitality’ column, their indicators are higher than those of any top fighters.