I hope it’s a joke already it does almost no damage, if so I could go have a coffee smoke a cigarette while 2 enemy thralls hit me and when I come back I kill them in a few seconds …
Wow, if that is accurate, they nerfed the Relic Hunter T4 fighters so they now sit roughly between a Treasure Seeker T2 and T3 Surge Archer. According to your doc, they will have less damage multiplier than T3 and less ranged modifier than T2. They will have less health per point than even a T1 ARCHER?! The last one wouldn’t bother me so much if the RHTS didn’t have their starting health nearly cut in half (AGAIN).
Where did you get this doc, was it datamined from the Dev Kit? This is a horrifying stealth nerf that went almost completely unmentioned in the patch notes. I’m not going to lie, I am VERY upset right now.
In pvp a level 20 thrall with the best equipment is killed in 20 seconds by a solo player, and their attacks are really easy to avoid I don’t see how you can get killed by thralls.
Not saying you are wrong but reading pvp community’s lists of complaints on weapons etc that was in the list here again I don’t pvp no Axe to grind as long as pve pve-c is not affected too much have been around longer than most on ps4 seen alot of changes we adapt. We will see what happens on the 22nd.
If you drop into an area surrounded by anti -climb, with no room to dodge, and a couple thralls armed with outer dark and Feroxic weapons, it can chew you up, especially if the timing gives them hyper armour and interrupts all your actions.
Or your connectivity is extremely bad/lag is atrocious/rendering shenanigans, one can be taking damage from invisible sources.
That is the sum of this one finding thralls dangerous in PvP.
Now that’s rebalancing! The Darfarians have increased their performance by 4-6 times!
I already feel sorry for the hyenas next to the Ritualist. This will be the complete extermination of animals))
PS It’s easy to check in solo with Hosav`s UI mod. Take level 0 thralls, give them the same weapon and compare the damage.
Not so long ago the master of the beasts of teimos had up to 15000 life points and we managed to take a base without problems he was just wasting time so now the best slaves only have 5000 life points this nerf was more enough no need to make them completely unusable in pvp.
I remind you that they are vulnerable to bombs as well as arrows and even gas if they do not have masks, when the base is destroyed they cannot pursue the enemies and if you put yourself on a height they can do nothing, currently they offer almost no protection against a player who is used to pvp your base will be destroyed in less than 20 minutes very easily.
Send a tar golem and a dalinsia on a player and they have a high chance of dying. They get a slow effect that limits their moving so much they’re practically standing still, and then they get clapped.
As far as I understood, they returned the damage coefficients for the main thralls - berserker, Dalinsia, Lian, etc. - to the classic values, i.e. roughly double what it was yesterday. But due to the fact that at the same time the damage to NPCs was halved, only the players will feel the change. In principle, this is logical, but it is not clear why such preferences for Darfari, they have become tops, significantly superior to all others.
With all the collective core game adjustments being made throughout all the past, present and future Ages and their Chapters, it is a leetle bit premature to go completely ‘bursar’ over the nerf/enhancements/rebalances being made.
Logging issues and giving balanced feedback to FC to take note is useful, but until we know what All content the Ages and their Chapters will bring, it is without oversight of the Big Picture.
Yes, there are massive changes for existing and established players that have ‘storehouses’ of thralls, pets, weapons, etc, but there’s a lot of junk that has crept into the overall game since 1.0 was released, and rebalancing that can help.
Happily, those just starting the game will be seeing the new reality so can plan their ire for AoW Chapter 2!
This is… true and not true at the same time
Basically the damage is set to 50% vs. Players too… however… that setting has been like that throughout AoS as well, so yes… the players will feel it especially coupled with the new legendary weapons, which is going to be the main source of new and increased damage for thralls.
Sorry, I’m not aware of this.
In general, everyone added a headache. Now we just need to stupidly take a thrall and analyze its damage, compare it with others, and at the same time check how the weapon works, otherwise inconsistencies and stuttering will begin here.
And yes, they launched the hunt for black slaves. Bases will be set up near the Tugra and Ritualist camps. Berserkers and Dalynsias will find themselves completely forgotten. Tugra, I wanted you since childhood!))
Until I actually try them I will hold my judgment, but you gave us an extreme example @Xevyr .
I mean, Tugra hits like a train, but unless you are lucky with his perks or invest heavily on elixirs of rebirth to buff his HP and have him in a high end armor, he can be easily killed by a mob once they stunlock him.
I wonder how this will go down with OTHER thralls that have lower multipliers. If, overall, their HP was cut in half and, in reality, they do 25% less damage, I wonder how they will fare against purges. Purges are mobs and thralls guarding are not affected by authority. It’s not looking bright for them…
they don’t, keep in mind that weapon damage jumped up way more, so when we’re talking 25% less damage, that’s only based on their stats compared to the last age, it does not factor in weapons… of which the higher quality legendaries like Momentum will cause them to deal twice as much.
So, they’ll be fine, stop worrying However… if you play in a bad environment (bad server / laggy playstation) then yea, maybe don’t go for the lowest HP thralls