I read the Age of War patch in your post (when you post it the first time) and read it again today. I understood the aggro changes and Stamina changes, as well as the balances in the fight, etc… But I never saw reference to a modification in terms of the Thralls’ stats.
My hunter relics have very low health currently. Barely 2k! My base is protected from the purge thanks to them and I don’t think it will take too long to have another purge soon, but I don’t have time to tame new Thralls and level them after this drastic change!
I don’t know if his attack, defense or agility multipliers have been changed as well, but the HP multiplier has been changed too much.
Why is there no reference to it in the Age of War notes? Is it a bug? When could it be fixed? Will it stay like this? If so, why haven’t you previously warned about something so notorious? What happens now for those people who had those Thralls leveled up and trust their base in them? Start again now with other thralls? Because honestly, I am very lazy and it is highly probable that I don’t do it and like me, surely many people…
To be fair I don’t think they need the hp
Took 2 war party relic hunters into unnamed city and they absolutely tore up every boss so fast it was kinda crazy.
These are now mid tier thralls?
What’s it gonna be like when I run in with 2 thugras or zerkers…
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying RH don’t need the nerf. I agree with him nerf. My “doubt” about whether it is a bug or not or my “complaint” is because they didn’t warned and RH were very characteristic Thralls due to their ease of obtaining and their attributes/multiplier, which were widely used by the community in general. My case is that of other players as well, that we have those Thralls already leveled and placed to protect a purge/raid that perhaps now we cannot fight as easily with these Thralls due to nerfing and it is not something that we can foresee in order to prepare. Getting several good tier thralls and getting them all to level 20 takes time… It would have been nice to give some time in advance so we could prepare for this moment and not have to worry now while we do it.
I just don’t understand why they don’t notify these changes… I mean, usually in all games, when there is a significant update, there are people who even play again just to test the changes and the players who play, tend to be more hooked viewing the content. But for this you need transparency!
Several years ago they already did the same with the Relic Hunters (and it was also understandable), but I remember that at that time I had a Nitrado server with an average of 20 people and after the update it dropped to 5-6 people. The main complaint was that they didn’t know some changes and hadn’t prepared for it (not just RH).
We are talking about a survival game, not an arcade game. Planning to not get overwhelmed is something to take into consideration and that affects the players.
At no time is it said that balances are not required or that some Thralls are not nerfed, just notify them in advance!
What need is there to leave people like this now?
Now I was playing an official PvE, where the average last week was between 10-15 players.
Since yesterday is hard to see more than 3-5 people online.
An update should be cause for joy and make you want to play. Having something so used nerfed (if it wasn’t like that, it wouldn’t even be nerfed) without prior warning will only make the community angry or disappointed.
What need of it? And I say this, because it is not something new, I left the game years ago and came back to see the Sorcery and now I wanted to see this new era, but with this type of detail, the desire to return is gone.
I understand that the developers play their game, hence they know what to do when it comes to balance (be careful, I insist, I am not saying that the balance is wrong), but now, you as developer and gamer, imagine that others make changes without prior notice and you have been dedicating X time to that and now it implies that same X time to do something else because they change something without telling you anything.
It’s not nice…
Do you think it’s a coincidence that the most used thralls are the ones who were made worthless? It was made that way so you need to replace them = more time playing.
Do you think it is a coincidence that thralls are borderline viable, so you won’t quit the game, but need to spend a lot of time playing so they become actually viable with levelling, gear, buffs and elixirs?
If you look at these changes through the “glue them to their chairs” lenses, the reason of many become clear.
This is why I know pets won’t ever be strong or thralls will ever be strong without some serious time investment from the player. It’s a balance between frustration and hope that aims to make you play longer. Pets will be improved further down the road, I’m sure, but they will never be stellar.