All of my followers disappeared after the server went down

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1500
Mods: =MODS=

The server went down [??? - 9999 ping] and when I logged back in, all of my followers had disappeared. My follower list is empty. Every thing else in my base seems to be intact as far as i could tell.

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another screenshot of the event log. This is just a few. I had about 30.

Came back to the forum to post this exact thing, all my followers have decayed because apparently I wasn’t online in a long time… a long time being two nights =/

I last logged my base 3 days ago. :frowning:

This happened to me on 1500 also. All of my thralls and equipment are gone, I logged my base on 8/30. 9/1 server restart, 12 seconds after restart ALL of my thralls are gone.

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Having exact same issue, logged in 2 days ago, bases are still standing, all followers gone.

Happened to my clan too… Server #1942 PVE Conflict

Not sure how much more I can take from this game… It seems like there’s SO MANY glitches like this recently… We had tons of leveled up thralls/horses with high level gear… just GONE.

Thrall decay on 1500 (and 1501, 1521 of servers I play on) was set to 1 day. Software working as intended but misconfigured by Funcom.

Community managers need to acknowledge and server configuration files need to be reset ASAP.


Amazing. I hope they do a rollback for you. @Caroll this require Funcom’s immediate attention. Multiple regions and platforms are affected by this. It is a major issue.

It is strange that these major disasters always seem to happen at the start of a weekend when Funcom is going to be most delayed in responding.

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They wiped people’s stuff with the nemedian issue, now they wiped the thralls. What is next, wipe the servers by mistake? I hope they at least make it right this time.

Then entire bases from the Nemedian set disappear, now thralls… We need to stop playing Conan!

Yes this is bad whit 1 day decay time on folowers on all servers.

Hi @ all!

I had exactly the same issue on two servers: #1040 and #1041. :rage: The work from more than two years of playing is gone. :frowning: I had percious objects equiped to my thralls that i brought from Siptah when the server transfer still worked. :angry: My last login was a day ago. Then everything was still fine.

@Funcom: How will you refund all the lost stuff???

Darklord of Math

if they shorten thrall conversion rate as replacement for ALL LOST then place that even in ***, only option that will allow me stay in this game is rollback

Yes buildingsd and stuff is easy to replase (unless you cant get the lootanymore) but folowers is not!

most that hurt is that you catch many thralls to get ones with best growth % then you level it manually with proper food for best effort and in max level you roll perks for best possible, i not mention expensive gear like silent legion or dragon bone and legendaries weapons, and all lost in second becasue somebody log to game 2 days later

all excitement in waiting for new purges is blown away

if they dare as recompensation increase thrall conversion rate this will be more like taunt to players than any help


IF they don’t roll back, they lose so many people they won’t be able to recover.


Ditto on all 4 Oceanic servers I play on (1960, 1952, 1972 and 1953)

All servers were refreshed 4 days ago, but all followers were gone this morning at 6am. That would be close to 200 followers…

The only people who seem unaffected were those playing last night, so it seems follower decay was erroneously set to 24 hours. Thus when servers did scheduled restarted in the morning, everyone else lost all their followers.

Lot of players who don’t log in every night wouldn’t even realise it yet.

for me is like some kind of reveng of some dude fired by funcom