All twitch drops are gone

Today I received another Twitch drop and decided to craft it, but I couldn’t find it in the list of weapons. And, to my chagrin, I discovered that all the previous Twitch Drops that I had received over the past year had also disappeared.

The last time I used them was in December 2023, I made a mace for the skin.

Please check what’s wrong and help me return my well-deserved rewards!

Addition: Restarting the game helped. Everything appeared. But I’ll leave this message for those who have the same problem!

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Yeah sometimes it gets out of sync or loses connection to FLS along the way… also just for information purposes, the twitch link sometimes get lost and relinking the account fixes it.

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Unfortunately, re-linking to Twitch did not help my friend and she lost her rewards. That’s why I was so scared…

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