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Basic Info:
Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1090
Mods: =MODS=
I had collected Twitch Dops from May 2021, Watchers set, i had them for more than a year, with some sorcery patch they were gone, recenly i collected and clamed new Festive drops in Dec.2022 by watching Twitch, they didnt ever apeared and it is month away and festive time is over. I have spend my time watching twitch, clamed the rewards for it and have my twitch acount connected. Everything i had to do from my side is done. I want this to be fixed. This is very dissapointing and i want all my old watcher rewards back and new festive one to apear for crafting. Or at least give me some technical support. This in on you to fix.