TWITCH Drops (Still) Not Working?

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Twitch Drops
Game Mode: Online ALL
Server Type: ALL
Map: Exiled Lands & ALL Maps
Server Name: ALL
Mods: NONE

Bug Description:

Twitch Drops Not Working (still?)

Bug Reproduction:

  1. Make sure Steam Account via Conan Exiles is correctly Linked to Twitch (yes)
  2. Go into Twich Account and to a Twitch Channel that’s part of the Drop (yes)
  3. View the channel for at least the required qualifying time (yes)
  4. Verify, in Twitch Inventory in Twitch to see if you have Claimed the reward (yes)
  5. Check in-game Conan Exiles, any server, any map, and see whether a or any reward has appeared (Nothing)

No rewards appear in Inventory, Ancestral Knowledge, or via a Knowledge Search.
ALL Twitch Drop items via the Admin panel FAIL as well, including qualified items.

Effectively, the Twitch Drop items (on Steam at least) do not appear to work.

Perhaps some comments on what progress has been made on this as this issue has been logged several times over the last years - and have been acknowledged (Report-Received) as an issue. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I have access to all my Twitch Drops, with the exception of the Gelid Throne (the latest drop). They can all be crafted or spawned using the admin panel (in Single Player, didn’t try on official server yet), but the latest drop can only be spawned in using the admin panel, it cannot be crafted in my Inventory or at the Artisan’s Table.

Edit: I just tested on official server, I am still able to craft all other Twitch Drops, but not the most recent. As @Grymm stated, it is not listed under Ancestral Knowledge.


  • Twitch drop did not show any progression
  • Switched streamers, progression showed
  • Completed twitch drop requirements
  • Logged and rejoined server
  • Crafted drop normally

Last night, I noticed my current twitch drop was not showing anything, availability, progression, etc.

I shut down the browser, cleared cache, blah, IT-jargon, blah, clicked on the Participating Live link, reselected the streamer . . .nothing.

So I chose a different steamer, and the notification immediately started. When I chose a third streamer, as a test, the notification showed in their channel. Once the notification of the drop was complete I claimed it, logged off the server I was on, rejoined, and was able to craft the drop normally.

Thanks @DaVice . Vexing. I can see all of the rewards showing as qualified for within Twitch, but always get Failed no matter how I try getting them in game. Will do some more checking I guiess. Glad it’s a ‘just me’ thing though - and they are kinda only cosmetic rewards so game not affected.

Will consider this ticket Closed.

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