Almost everyone of my thralls fell through the ground while guarding my base; sometimes I fall though the ground as well

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE-Conflict
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1977
Mods: None

Bug Description:

In the last couple of days I’ve noticed that some of my thralls disappeared from my base. At first I was worried that they might have been killed, but I found in the tracking screen that they were still at my base, on their same guarding places, just fell through the ground. I’ve manage to “rescue” 2 of them earlier today, but it’s not a satisfactory option, because you lose all their equipments and itens this way. So I just kept playing and doing other stuff (relieved that those thralls weren’t dead, at least). Fast foward to the present moment: not only my character fell through the base while I was AFK for 2 minutes, but almost each and everyone of my thralls fell through the ground as well. Luckily I was able to “crawl” my way up, but as of my thralls: two of them died because of this (they were right above some palisades on that were on the ground and bled to death). I still can hear the noises/voices from some of them, but most just “disappeared” without leaving any trace. It’s worth to mention that my base has a few layers of foundation above the ground, and many of the thralls that fell weren’t on ground level or “foundation level”, but on ceilings of higher floors. I would like help on this issue, as I don’t want to lose any more of my thralls and it’s overall very prejudicial to the gameplay experience.

Bug Reproduction:

No specific steps, the thralls were just on guard mode all over the base.

I’ve posted about this issue, too. It’s been a problem since the game was launched. I think at this point, it’s safe to say it’s going to remain this way. I need to gather thralls every time I get into my game. Every. Time.

I have several bases. I noticed that thralls only fail at the base where the tavern is located. Everything is fine at the other bases.

You know, maybe this could be it! The problem only started after I put the tavern in my base.

Well, if that really is the case, I hope FUNCOM can solve this soon in the next patch or update.

Good lord! Do players put the bar inside their bases? Mine, like the treasure room, are way away from the main base.

I have a small suspicion that the go to the Bar program routine that generates which thralls wander into the bar calls from the coded reference of a thrall e.g. “Exile_Fighter_*” and if you have any thrall that were from that group, the game tries to ‘tempt’ that thrall off to the pub too, and away from their post. It would not make sense (to me) for the script that call thralls to the pub be very specific. It would be more generic. Perhaps there is a quick way to do an exclusion, but that may inpact the whole shebang.

Far better minds will correct me in this speculation.

Unfortunately, it’s not it. It’s been this way for years.