Basic Info:
Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE-Conflict
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1977
Mods: None
Bug Description:
In the last couple of days I’ve noticed that some of my thralls disappeared from my base. At first I was worried that they might have been killed, but I found in the tracking screen that they were still at my base, on their same guarding places, just fell through the ground. I’ve manage to “rescue” 2 of them earlier today, but it’s not a satisfactory option, because you lose all their equipments and itens this way. So I just kept playing and doing other stuff (relieved that those thralls weren’t dead, at least). Fast foward to the present moment: not only my character fell through the base while I was AFK for 2 minutes, but almost each and everyone of my thralls fell through the ground as well. Luckily I was able to “crawl” my way up, but as of my thralls: two of them died because of this (they were right above some palisades on that were on the ground and bled to death). I still can hear the noises/voices from some of them, but most just “disappeared” without leaving any trace. It’s worth to mention that my base has a few layers of foundation above the ground, and many of the thralls that fell weren’t on ground level or “foundation level”, but on ceilings of higher floors. I would like help on this issue, as I don’t want to lose any more of my thralls and it’s overall very prejudicial to the gameplay experience.
Bug Reproduction:
No specific steps, the thralls were just on guard mode all over the base.