Am I Running a Bit Weirdly?

Hello Exiles

Not complaining, but I’ve noticed that my character runs differently than before? Am I imagining things? It’s definitely different right?

Kind of looks like he’s lurching forward while tip-toeing, kind of like villains used to do in old silent movies…

It’s a perfect animation for when sneaking up behind NPCs I suppose lol

Makes him look a bit weird though.

Anyway. Just a thought lol.

It also happens to me when walking, it’s as if my character didn’t have a firm step, as if he was looking to sink through any crack, in the patch notes it said that they slowed down the character’s speed a bit (I’m still trying to download patch 3.0.1 I’m going Let’s see if they corrected it, 50 gb is a headache for me every 2 days)

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Character animations are terrible now. Feels like characters is no longer on the terrain. Just glides above it.

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They “improved” character animations, something that wasn’t needed, nor asked for. Seems like most people don’t really like said “improvements”.

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