Credit to Liderpina for the background images used for this contest!
We asked for your best outfits to show off on the runway, and we’ve been DAZZLED.
To say you all have delivered for this contest is an understatement. Every single one of you went all out to show what you got and blew us away with the creativity and thought put into outfits. After a long, long, LONG deliberation from our judges, we finally have the winners here for you today.
Please know that even if you do not show up here, we acknowledge the time, effort, and passion you put into your entry. It was clear to see! Please feel free to share your outfit here so others can see it as well. Also note that pose, picture composition, background, and such were not taken into consideration; only the outfit/character itself was judged.
If you see yourself featured, feel free to reply here!
Now…let’s get into it!
Unmodded Winners
First Place - “The Druid”
She’ll mend your wounds, or put venom in your blood if you dare cross her.You can see more pictures here.
Outfit Details
- Vanir Fur Cap
- Pictish Wizard Robe
- Voidforged Dragonbone Bracers
- Aquilonian Infantry Pteruges
- Aquilonian Scout Sandals
- Pictish Longspear
- Pictish Daggers
- Warpaint - Neca Warpath
Second Place
Snake? Snake?? SNAAAAAAAAAKE!!You can see more pictures here.
Outfit Details
- Head: Khayne’s Helmet
- Chest: Reptilian Chestpiece
- Belt: Derketo Acolyte Handwraps
- Legs: Kambujan Shaman Wrap
- Feet: Derketo Acolyte Sandals
- Brittle Edge
Third Place - “The Zingarian Seafarer”
The heart-throb of the high seas, indeed. Captain Swag here can shiver our timbers any day.You can see more pictures here.
Outfit Details
- Hair: (#14 Using the Orb of Nerghal)
- Facial Hair: (#11 Using the Orb of Nerghal)
- Head: Eye Patch - (Undyed)
- Torso: Barachan Reiver Buff Coat (Dyed - dark brown, forest green, black, white)
- Hands: Claws of the Harpy (Dyed - light grey, white)
- Legs: Black Corsair Leggings (Dyed - dark ash, blighted green)
- Feet: Buccaneer peg leg (Dyed - muted brown)
- Nemedian Katana
- Snake
Modded Winners
First Place - By Dark_Overlord
This desert dweller dares dangers of the dunes. Dashing, no?You can see more pictures here.
Outfit and Mod Details
- Head: Slaveforged Sacrificial Facemask (Siptah-DLC)
- Body: Khari Raider Chest
- Hands: Gloves of Jhil (Siptah-DLC)
- Legs: Skelos Cultist Skirt
- Feet: Relic Hunter Boots (Siptah-DLC)
- Head (Accessory): Cloaked Hood (Immersive Armor by Cookiejar)
- Shoulder (Accessory): Hyrkanian Pauldron (Immersive Armor by Cookiejar)
- Belt (Accessory): Leather Belt (with dagger) (Immersive Armor by Cookiejar)
- Hands (Weapon): Staff of the Forest (Immersive Armor by Cookiejar)
- Back (Accessory): Leather Cloak (CAS :: Customizable Attachment System by Thraxerrrr)
Second Place
“Do you like the way your bones feel inside your body No?? Why don’t I take them out for you?”You can see more pictures here.
Outfit and Mod Details
- Pict Ritualist Vestment
- Baron’s Royal Harness
- Fur Lined Belt
- Cannibal Raider Gloves
- Mountain Barbarian Drapes
- Vicious Boots
- Zealot’s Sacrificial Club
- Barbarian Barbed
- Fashionist v4.2.3
- Pippi
- Stoja’s Warpaints
- Accessory Wardrobe 4.1.3b
- Akuba’s Salon
- Beyond Theatrics
- Immersive Armor
- RA: Character customisation
- RA: Visual Tweaks
- GrimProductions
- Nocturnal Gods: Clothing
- RA: Fantasy Extension
- Toned Tones
- VeloXs Tattos
- WARRIOR Mutator for Conan
Third Place
Yes, queen! Slay! SLAY YOUR ENEMIES! SEE THEM DRIVEN BEFORE YOU!You can see more pictures here.
Outfit and Mods Details
- Turanian Bow 5205
- Khari Soldier Tasset 92213
- Slaveforged Guardian Gauntlets 1452
- Pictish Wizard Moccasins 6114
- Bejewelled Chains 4111
Warrior mutator :
- Derketo Ceremonial Headdress 8586156
- Kushite Tribal Headdress 8586377
Immersive Armor :
- Epic Serpentine Wraps 29980274
- Lemurian Queen Pauldron (L) 199802295
- Lemurian Queen Pauldron (R) 199802307
- Stygian Skirt 199802409
- Khari Poncho 199802422
- Lowerback Quiver 19980293
- Stagian Collar 199800236
- Tribal Armwrap (L) 199802387
- Tribal Armwrap (R) 199802389
- Zamorian Headchain 199802162
- Immersive Armor
- Exiles Extreme
- Warrior Mutator
- Barbarian Barber
- RA Aesthetics
Honorable Mentions
Assassin’s Creed - by Elloway
Where’s a haycart to swandive into when you need one?You can see more pictures here.
Clothing details
Barachan River armor
Executioner’s Hood
Dyed whiteModded
Kratos - by Thyris
BOYYou can see more pictures here.
Clothing Details and Mods
- Head: Nothing (War Paint: the Silken path)
- Chest: Light Highland Jacket (Immersive Armors)
- Arms: Aquilonian (Vanilla)
- Legs: Light Silent Legion (Vanilla)
- Feets: Vanir Heavy (Vanilla)
- Aesir War Axe (Immersive Armors)
Accessoires (all Immersive Armors) :
- Leather Harness
- Medium Exile Pauldron (L)
- Ragged Swashbuckler Belt
- Leather Bag
- Carryable Waterskin
- RA: for Scars and wrinkles
- IQoL: for some sliders
- Immersive Armors
- Fashionist (for the coloration and to separate the war paints)
Social Outing
“I call on those who live in the shadows!”You can see more pictures here.
Clothing Details
Kambujan Shaman Helm
Zingaran Freebooter Vest
Skelos Cultist Master’s Handwraps
Voidforged Dragonbone Kilt
Kambujan Shaman Boots
“Oh, hello. I didn’t see you there…”You can find more pictures here.
Clothing Details and Mods
- Coat: Count’s Coat (CoH mod)
- Pants: Count’s Pants (CoH mod)
- Boots: Count’s Boots (CoH mod)
- Hat: Top Hat (LoD Cosmetics mod)
- Gloves: Shemite Gloves
- Glasses (LoD Cosmetics mod)
- Cane: (Thrall Wars mod)
- Hair: (Akubars Salon mod)
- Poses: (Devious Desires mod)
- RoleplayRedux.pak (Some poses)
- LoD_Cosmetics.pak (Top Hat, Sunglasses)
- NoSlaveBracelet.pak (For no bracelet)
- Chains of Hyboria (Kali Count outfit: Coat, boots and pants)
Battle Ready
Please note, we chose 2 winners from the unmodded category for Battle Ready, as there were no entries for the “Funniest” under unmodded that fit the category.
Hyboria’s first AvengerYou can see more pictures here.
Clothing Details
- Aspect of the Bat
- Guardian Chestguard
- Slaveforged Guardian Greaves
- Gloves of Jhil
- Poitain Cavalier Boots
- All pieces were dyed
- Darfari Cannibals
- Incarmine Shield
- Incarmine War-Axe
- Incarmine Great Sword
- Incarmine Daggers
Raya the Assassin
Local goth goes mushroom foragingYou can see more pictures here.
Clothing Details
- Zamorian Thief Boots
- Zamorian Thief Gauntlets
- Skelos Cultist Skirt
- Skelos Cultist Hood
- Slaveforged Ceremonial chest
- Serpent man Daggers
You can see more pictures here. (slightly NSFW for boobies, don’t get in trouble at work)
Clothing and mods not mentioned besides RA Character Customization (will update this when more info received).
Salt Bae
He’s ready to season your meatClothing Details and Mods
Clothing not mentioned
- Immersive Armor
- Beyond Decor
- CAS - Customizable Attachment System
It was a close call with all of these entries, and it was near impossible without the help of our volunteer group of Exiles.
We will be contacting the winners of these shortly to get details of your prizes. Additionally, we’ll be in touch with many of you in the coming days who we couldn’t show off here, but would absolutely love to on the Conan Exiles social media accounts.
Thank you again to EVERYONE who participated and we hope you will again for the next contest.