“Aquilonian Divan” can't be placed

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: none
Mods: none

Bug Description:

Can’t place the “Aquilonian Divan” on foundations or ceilings, it just shows “overlapping with object or terrain” even when nowhere near another object or terrain.

Bug Reproduction:

Try to put down the item on a foundation or ceiling.

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Same problem on my end, vanilla private server.

I believe this is due to a weird bug introduced in the recent update. Try crouching and placing it. I was getting the same issue on PS5 the other day, but with pretty much everything. If that doesn’t work, it may be isolated to that one object.

Can confirm this. It’s only the Aquilonian Divan that is having this issue. Cannot place it anywhere. Foundations, ceilings, plain terrain. Nothing works. Crouching doesn’t help either.

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It may only be the divan for you but it can be anything from a bench to a fridge, I had to tear down my whole base to get the benches in then put the next floor and so on till base was 3 story high only way to not get that message.

You are understanding this ENTIRELY wrong. This is not the “View obstructed” bug that we all know about. This is a bug where it says “Overlapping with object or terrain”. And ONLY happens with Aquilonian Divan.

Same issue. PC, official server. Cant place this divan on any ground surface or any type of fundations.

also thrall wont sit on it and in yanatai tavern benchs, 3 places benchs still with just only one sit enabled and thralls wont sit it too, even if we directly place them on it

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