New annoying bug? VIEW OBSTRUCTED

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1053
Mods: none

Bug Description:

While trying place chest, coffer or freezer in small vault room in base new problem occur durning trying place that object. Item can’t be place becasue its write “View Obstructed”. I wish add that same coffers placement work perfectly fine for years and occur just after update. Sometimes work move away to the limit and then place, but its not solution.

Bug Reproduction:

Same happen on any other PvE servers, as far not notice it on single player.


This is also happening on official PS servers.

I did figure out a workaround but I also reported the issue on PS5

Ty for nice video proof, but that solution not work if You have above map room :slight_smile: that will need huge base remodelling all from scrap to properly place map room again and all above it.

Same issue Xbox

Same here, unable to place thrones, says “View Obstructed” when there is no obstruction to any views on PC on official pvp servers

I found temporary (until hotfix of course) solution to be able place items in small places where view obstructed message unable to do it.
Solution is simple and worked for me on 2 servers, just crouch and then place items.
Can You confirm if this work for You too?


well bro you simply saved my life thx you, yes it works and is a viable workaround.

Yeah no. Tried crouching but it worked only for one crate. As I’m reorganizing my storage and I need to place about 30 of them. Thank you Funcom…

This thread here is the same, this is happening without walls foundations or ceilings when placing in the open.

This was reported in Public Beta. Should’ve been addressed before launch. They failed to do so.

This is why I’m taking such an extended leave from this game.

This crap is also why I refuse to buy from the bazaar.

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I found an even better solution and in fact, have not had a problem since. Simply, duck down. LOL. I can’t believe how simple this fix was.

Another user told me to duck and low and behold, it worked. I just crouch down and I can place anything I want in as cramped a space as I live in.


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