Armor Dye Question

I just created this look for my new cimmerian archer character and I want to dye the pictish head piece to match the fur on the cimmerian steel armor.

But I can’t figure out what dye color is used for the original fur on the cimmerian steel armor.

Does anyone know what dye color that would be?


Do not know. However various colors do work differently on different armors witch is a real pain in the posterior
For instance white dye works great on some armors and not on others. My wife and I like to Transmog various armors over better armors and dying doesn’t work properly you can do a whole set in the same color and some will be the same shade. At this point recommend a contrasting color to accent. @AdisiTaliWaya


Test it on Single Player.
Spawn a thrall, spawn the armor, spawn the dyes and test. :wink:


Cimmerians must use a lot midnight blue.

It also depends on your surroundings, some colors change in different biomes
This is the worst part haha


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