Armour display stand

It’s a pleasure @ConanTheCook, and absolutely nothing to be sorry about, we (The PS4 players) are asking to allow some mods for PS4 Conan exiles
in private servers, -although it is going to be a difficult war as PS4 isn’t friendly with modding-, so, to request/support this kind of things is our only way btm.

But nothing to sorry about, the opposite, You (fellow PC players) have the modding lucky, enjoy it and show us the path. :hugs:

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Yes but the block is not Funcom, its PS4

Hello @Masmassu, Of course the block is not Funcom’s - I haven’t sayd Funcom any single time -, and you are right, it is a Ps4 -as I sayd-

That’s the reason why, I support this suggestion and modding it’s not a posibility for me. :grinning:

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i totally agree! I use thralls atm all in their own massive barracks i call my closet xD super high maintenance now though lol


one day there might even be a ps4 emulator with modded conan for ps4 :slight_smile:
they made lots of emulators for older hardware, so you never know… maybe a ps5 running a virtual pc, running a ps4 emulator, running a conan with modding, with a ps4 crafting station and ps2 thralls :slight_smile:


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