Banned for nothing

Yes i always open and look the servers empty i dont Care If It 200 , 50 , 750 its almost a dead game Because people like you , hackers ,griefers and bugs abusers.

Do something get Ark and look They server check How many people They have online and yes Theres hackers and meshers in Ark but Ark have a simple TOC and people dont have fear to build dont have fear to get a ban with no warning.

And It Because It now They have Ark ascendend and Will have Ark 2 in Future now and we Will have empty Conan.

Yeah, that’s the thing about the human brain: everyone is convinced they’re the special one, the exception. “Surely these rules don’t apply to me, my case is special.”

The rules don’t say anything about “respect for other players”, or how many hours you’ve spent playing, or how much money you’ve spent on the game, or whether everyone on the server loves you and your builds, or any other excuse people come up with.

Of course I can. When it comes to wiggle room in the rules, there are two kinds of people. One kind sees wiggle room and says “the rules aren’t clear, therefore I should probably be careful until I know more”. The other kind sees wiggle room and says “the rules aren’t clear, therefore my interpretation is just as valid as any”.

The latter is easier. Doesn’t make it right.

True. They should probably offer translations.

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Yeah, that’s pretty clear: you don’t care about anything except your own entitlement. But yeah, “people like me” are the problem. I’m sure this game is “dead” because of something I wrote on the forums. :roll_eyes:

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but they kind of do thought as the rule state we are supposed to get the meaning over the wording

Can be interpreted as respect other players

and in the bridge section you linked , there are pictures of what can be considered offending bridges , and we can see that those bridges are not made to cross a water body or two cliff-sides, but just random elevated walkways going from undefined spots to no end , linking bases or a elevator walkway spreading out of range on both end so any body seing this could just have some false sense of building a normal bridge that has real purpose is safe , where is the example of a “normal bridge” forbidden in those reference screenshots ?

With civilization the way it seems to be (or at least what it was thought to be),
I thought people tended to be a little smarter and maybe a little more educated with a well rounded ground in common sense.
But that turned out to be a mistaken, false belief on my part. As the population grows, we are heading hellbent for a headlong crash to a dead end.

Try that crap in your local neighborhood.

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Anything? I am caring about people getting banned with no warning and for little things like a bridge or a missed Foundation im caring about funcom make best clear rules like Ark to make people dont leave It game

But look you are caring about no clear rules Begin used to Ban a beginner player or a old player with 2000 hours doesnt matter If he is right or If he didnt know why he got banned but YOU think he need be banned and the game need to stay empty and he dont learn what he have done wrong.

Hyperbole much?


See that is something I will never understand, it is quite clear bridges are a bad thing and building one could get you banned.
UNLESS funcom does something thoughtless like add treasures you have to carry and can’t swim with. Then bridges become practically mandatory, so became a judgement call.
Nice simple double wide over a narrow section with good lighting, up off the water, I’ll give a pass. 8 wide on the water at some random spot, right on the surface of the water, 10 full T3 animal pens, Vegas lighting, and a dozen buxom blind chained to the walls, ya report.

Like it would do any good :roll_eyes:

FYI 24 official, PVE, NA servers. All years old, and in my experience one is pretty much like the rest. The only real difference is how badly they run. And some run pretty damn bad.

And that is the crux of the issue, finding an excuse that makes you feel it’s ok to violate the rules. #1 “if I was violating the rules they’d tell me/I’d get a warning”. #2 “everyone else is doing it”.

What language are the screen caps examples in?

By empty I’m going to assume when you go to log in and you see low population counts on the servers. That is an misconception based on lacking facts.

Let me toss some assumptions at you and you try to disprove them.
On average there is 2-6 people logged in to most official servers most of the time. Peak hours it may get to 8 or 12. The servers start to lose stability at about 10, by 20 on the game is practically unplayable IF the server is still up. funcom’s 40 player cap is horribly optimistic for Gportal servers. But that does not mean that through the day 40 different players haven’t logged in and out to play.

My guesstimation is an average 8-12 different players on any server; your mileage may very. Of that number there is at least 1 player that has been on that server since it opened and has been building nonstop since. And there will be 3-4 that that build with the common misconceptions about building.

Now few players on a server does not mean it isn’t half paved over by serial refreshers terrified they may lose their 10 vaults of loot. So I’m curious were you get this idea the servers are empty.

My mamma always told me I was special, but I think she meant it in a different way :thinking:


That would be me.

“But therein lies the rub”. I think most readers on here know my issue with the proper use of words. But when you say “meaning over wording” you are just handing people the excuse they want to either be braking the rules or by reporting every little questionable you don’t like.

The bridge as an example. The ToC says no bridges, shows screen caps of bridges as examples of bridges. Some are going to take it to mean no bridges, other will look to see a duplicate of what they want and not seeing one, think it must be ok.

Can you give actual examples of that happening?

I can go to any official PVE server and find a dozen ToC violations in an afternoon. I have a few times. That is why I am back to my old server, it’s cooky cutter, no different then the other 23 official PVE NA servers.

When the only time you enforce the ToC is when some transient troll mass reports, your system is a failure.
If the only way your system works is to make everyone your HOA agent your system is doomed to failure.
So basically the zendesk ToC report system was doomed from the day it was implemented. And why we need a new system.

I’m just going to step in for a hot minute here.

@CodeMage was one of the first to believe and support me when I started to really get into the nitty gritty details of the ToC since mine and my clan’s suspension and admin wipe back in early summer 2022.

I think you’re misunderstanding him. He may come off as gruff and a bit of a devil’s advocate but he makes reasoned and fair points. You can go back and look at almost any ToC related discussion on the forums that he has participated in the past 2 years and also see a shift in his and others’ viewpoints as evidence has been presented and new points of realization.

Ultimately the ToC, reports and any subsequent actions are discretionary. We’re not privy to what parameters that discretion means or the processes involved. We can have theories and choose to abide by our interpretation or not. Funcom has chosen a method of non-disclosure and we’re to just accept it - I don’t in principle but I have to by playing on Officials.

As I’ve said many times, the whole process from beginning to end has been an atrocity to the Official player base. It has much to be critical about. From the vague language and subjectivity in interpretation, gaming of Zendesk to the internal process changed I’ve seen shift without sense. It’s also not a situation of one size fits all which does make it difficult for everyone to understand or make decisions about.

So, the reality is that playing on Officials means that you must accept that you may be actioned on. Do your reasonable best to not impact other players.

This sucks and something I hope most that have considered everything, realizes.

There’s some creative ways to avoid action too that isn’t really about being mindful and the main reason why I have not had action taken against me since.

A need for rules was apparent. It was implemented and very poorly managed. They’ve even admitted the ToC in the past was not the best and have admitted recently that they didn’t do a good job in communication.


This is very valid, and I applaud your taking the high road. However, this doesn’t excuse the fact that rewritten histories need to be corrected, for the record. @CodeMage is doing an admirable job at it.

Here’s where I intersect with all of this. I built a bridge in memory of a lost clanmate. The server loved it and it was glorious. The rules dropped. I dismantled it, piece by piece, crying over my lost friend. And then I just kept deleting until every last structure was gone. And then I deleted my toon, and told the world I wouldn’t come back until the rules were clarified.

Now the rules are at least clarified, and I know what I knew then to be true.

Admins can and should be working on the big picture. ToS violations. This includes hackers and code-users who have turned my beautiful game into a complete online desert. Wednesday night and it was deader than disco. This needs to be addressed, post haste.


If you think 2 - 6 are a good number good Lucky
Check Ark servers now many servers with 30+ people out of Peak also servers from Ark have 70 capacity Because They almost dont have empty servers like Conan have but Go ahead make more people quit the game until funcom Begin Merge servers and maybe close They.

Reads first number ignores rest of post, then proceeds to compare apples and carrots :roll_eyes:

Please help me, how do I get it through to you that the Conan servers are not empty?
Or that ARK and Conan are different types of games?

Its no dificult check the server official list now and before.

both games are almost equal only difference are TOC rules , servers quality and capacity.

I’m sorry but this is just not true,
Even from the graphics point of view Ark uses an entirely different type of model that essentially is at lower resolution from CE. I would need to go into technical terms to adequately explain.
But a single player model in Conan has roughly 10x the vertices of an Ark player model.

Ark achieves it’s resolution through a different render method than Conan.

What this means? basically Conan needs more internet bandwidth than Ark.
That is the true reason for the lower player cap on CE servers.


We arent talking about It.

We are talking about BOTH game Begin a survival game where you can build
both games have PVE and PvP
BOTH games have hackers and meshers.

What change about BOTH games in term of playing IS:

Ark servers have 70 capacity
Conan servers have 40

Ark doesnt Ban you for building or having Bridges and they warning you.
Conan Ban you for miss a SINGLE Foundation or build a little Bridge or forget a decorative item with NO WARNING.

Also in Conan PvP people use TOC like a weapon.

That is what I was explaining.

The Models used in Conan are the reason for the lower player cap.

This could apply to every survival based game.

Here I agree, Conan needs a Clearer TOC
And Actual server moderation.


playing devils avocate, “carefull” can be … interpreted in different way by different people. and the big problem ios that 80% if not more of builds at official servers does break one of the rules, people learn by what they see, if you see mostly large builds and they are standing… people could think this are ok.

the rules… becomes more shady when they are open to soo much interpretation.

i fully agree with the concept of be nice with others, when building, now nice also changes from person to person.

what we can all agree on, is it is used as a weapon.

imagine if everyone start reporting everyone… i would say moderation could eventually put the final nail to the coffin, if everyone starts doing it , “out of revenge”, or “because it was done to me”, so i am here “to go against everyone else.” because i am angry…

I do not report others, instead i try to let them know what i think is bad, but getting fights at servers will get you banned. unless you bvuild really really small (the only way to know you are safe, is to keep your base withing 10x15 (go above that , and you might get at risk)

funny part is, i can build 300 buildings that are really far of ech other, 200 buildings with 10x8 link it all of them with teleporters, and you will be ok, build a 20 x 30 place, and you are most likely getting banned if someone reports you.

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i dopnt know about you guys, but i have seen less and less reports of poeple getting banned compared to 2023… so i dont know if they are being more forgiving, or people are just being nicer to each other.

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Less players


i thought it could be a possibilty. but did not want to pull it out , to avoid fueling the game is dying narrative.

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If only.
I’m really not sure why people think the odd report is going to get you banned. Do you know how many reports funcom has to get in a day to even investigate? Or in a week?

50% of my reports never got investigated. That doesn’t mean they checked and it wasn’t a violation, it means they never even looked at the report. I don’t think it’s too far out to speculate half the reports made do not get investigated. So if your ToC violating build only gets reported once a week, there is a good chance you will never see a time out.

In PVP clan spam reports may be a weapon, but on PVE your lucky if anyone reports even the most blatant of violations.

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