Banned for nothing

Hello FUNCOM, just to say: goodbye!

Recently I got banned, till 20th June coz a guy called Annihilator in official server #1035 reported me. The reason? maybe he alleged too big base but the real reason was… nothing, I got some chat captures when he says, literally, that the reason was: “He was giving me creeps”.
Nobody from FUNCOM tried to contact me to “fix” the problem, no advice, no nothing. Directly got banned, my buildings where destroyed.
My main base was opened to everybody and in a place where nothing important in the game was blocked, I also put elevators for everyone to farm iron at some spots opened maprooms, bridges and so just for everyone. Tons of hours farming, helping newbies, much more than 2000 hours in this game, all DLCs bought, tons of bazaar items, never got a problem with nobody and now all is gone.
Thanks FUNCOM! this is the exact thing a player than me need from you after so many time.

If you want proof of this just ask me for the chat captures so u will realize im not liying.

Im done with CONAN and DUNE, the game I was expecting to buy and dedicate all my PC play time.



And that puts you above the ToC how?

But you haven’t lost the DLCs or bazaar items, just time.

There is no size limit; with in reason. Of coarse what some consider reasonable others might not.

The person that reported you didn’t violate the ToC to get banned. funcom sometimes actually investigates reports so they verify it is a ToC violation.
It’s not a ban it’s a time out.

And read the ToC, you are an example of the issue. People agree to the ToC with out ever reading the rules or looking a the examples; unless they are using the examples as a building guide. There is far more to the ToC the size and blocking POIs.

I’ve played since the game dropped. restarted a couple dozen times. Once you hit 60TH and have done everything what is the point of continuing? I mean besides feeding the bazaar and adding another subdivision to your village with every new chapter/DLC.


You are assuming too many things.

I never said Im above ToC and if for you is OK to star over again and again it hasnt to be the same for the rest of people and my time its the most valuable thing.
My buildings where destroyed with more than 150 hours decay time so if there is a real problem with some building just destroy it and write the player giving some explanation about the problem coz I only got the advice at login that I was unable to enter official servers till 20th june coz land claiming/blocking spot… NEVER I did land claiming or blocked any spot.
After all this a friend of mine realizes what happened and I got screenshots about all this issue and there is a new player in server who is f*****ing all people, he is getting some kind of satisfaction with it.

Imagine for a moment I want to continue in Conan… I still dont know how exactly I was breaking ToC so if there is a REAL problem with my actions I can t fix it.


Some people seem to think tossing a bunch of money at funcom grants them privileges.

funcom does investigate so they found violations whether you thought they were or not.

One issue is people think land claim is foundations, it’s anything that claims land/prevents others from building. Camp fires, torches, ornaments even thralls claim land.

YES! This is an issue most everyone complains about. How is anyone for sure, going to know what they did wrong with out a good explanation?
Who wouldn’t fix their build if given the option? A warning and an explanation.

But don’t blame the new guy. I got fed up with the server I’m on. Way over built, one person has 1/3 of the land claims and has been building none stop for 6 years on that server. And even though I; as well as a few others, have reported their builds the reports are never investigated; that is why I gave up reporting and went exploring.

What I found is my server is pretty much cooky cutter for PVE servers. Due to complacency, no one wanting to be “that guy” on PVE servers, and 0 active admin moderation, most PVE servers tend to be over built by a very few players, that have been on them for years, and either don’t know or don’t care they are violating the ToC.

What to do about has been discussed at length many times on this forum. But the one person that could make a difference never engages in those conversations.

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How ever shall we recover!?

Look, a cat.

All better now.

When I decide to stop playing Conan, folks will tell because I’ll stop posting in the forums. No one will notice, and that is okay.



It IS one MAIN reason why the game IS getting empty and players are moving to Ark and soulmask now

Funcom need to change It and warning people or Just remove It TOC from the game and change It to the simples TOC like Ark TOC.

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Yeah, I’m sure that banning people who build bridges on official servers despite being told not to do so in official rules is the main reason people are leaving this game, and not serious game-breaking bugs or the prevalence of hacking.


So following what you say they should rather spend time banning hackers than people building bridges ? what was the initial aim for conan exiles ? wasn’t it to let people build communities on the servers ? at what point a bridge is an inconvenience and at what point it is to build said community and help fellow players ? I remember a time where the vulcano was a thrall killer and when people was thankfull for having a safer access for their thralls to the vulcano dungeon built by others.

What happens on those forums with the presumption of inocence ( alright I understand the mindset they’ve been tempban , so funcom proved their guilt )

and even if guilty why people can’t understand that funcom’s need to start giving warnings, many of those players would fix the issues presented to them if given the chance :speak_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil:

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But were they actually building communities or fighting over space to the point of trolling and griefing other players?

Does it matter? It’s a ToC violation. Trying to justify it as a community convenience doesn’t not make it a ToC violation.
But to answer your question. 1: When it blocks the waterways for swimmers. 2: it lags my game.

Really wish I could agree with that. I’m sure a good number would, but not some long time builder that has been there since the server opened. They are going to argue, tell admin they are wrong, brag how they have bought everything in game, threaten to quit and take their clan with them, and so on.

And poor Bob is stressed enough trying to respond to the reports of 750{?} servers.

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Well the majority build for themselves first , a smaller part would think of others when building and make the community thrive , and another minority was indeed greiffing toxic players fighting for space. and those last portion was what made people quit/ask for moderation.

so if it does indeed respect others and doesn’t block waterways/spawns or make any lag , it still doesn’t matter as it is against TOC , and make you potential for a report/ban and for me the issues starts here , we want severe moderation for malicious intent/ toxic behaviours not for genuine errors of judgment , a warning should be given.

some will always argue , but as you said most of the people would comply , and for the ones that tries arguing well just let them know they is no arguing give them an ultimatum of compliance , then ban them if they didn’t. it 2 mores steps but that could have kept more players enticed to the game.

then let Bob focus on the cheater/hackers , and real greifers/toxic players walling in content or people’s base , and once it’s done maybe he’ll have more time to give warnings for lesser toxic builds ?

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That’s the funny thing about words: if your logic is creative enough, you can “follow” what someone says and arrive at any destination you want :smiley:

Would it serve any purpose to point out that they shouldn’t have to choose between banning hackers and suspending other rule breakers? It seems you’ve already made up your mind.

I don’t know, but I know at what point it’s an infraction of the rules.

It takes a lot of presumption to presume someone innocent when they’ve literally said they broke the rules.

If I get fined for littering and I come to you to commiserate and say “I tossed some garbage out of my car and I got fined for littering”, you might argue whether it’s okay to fine people for littering, but you cannot say I was innocent.

I never disagreed with giving warnings. Hell, I didn’t even say that the rules are good, or that the enforcement is consistent, or any of the stuff you seem to be putting in my mouth. In fact, the rules are far from what we needed and wanted when we asked for moderation, and the enforcement is ridiculously opaque and inconsistent.

Here’s what I did say: it’s silly to claim that more people are leaving the game because Funcom punishes “land claim abuse” (as they call it) than because of game-breaking bugs and hackers.

But hey, don’t let logic stop you from your temper tantrum.


You shall learn How to READ “It IS (ONE) of MAIN reason”.

And yes many people moved to Ark and soulmask Because the rules about building in Conan are too obscure and Theres NO warning before a ban.

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You shall learn how to write. You wrote:

As in, it’s the single main reason. The missing word is “of”, and that changes the meaning completely.

I get it, it’s an unfortunate mistake. But you don’t get to berate me for your mistake. :man_shrugging:


That’s about as likely as you admitting you made a mistake and moving on. :man_shrugging:


I re-read all OP posts , and don’t see any admission of guilt ( unless the word bridge means admision of guilt for you )

I know you are not disagreeing on warnings , I’m also not trying to put any words in your mouth , and If it sounded like it it wasn’t intended that way (as yourself english isn’t my first language :wink: ) , I’m just deploring that some comes complaining again of this issue , and is only met with disdain from others. Not even putting themselves in the place of the person who lost

and claims no one in game reached to him to complain even before putting out a report on him …

To think of a solution , If the warning can’t be done for X or Y reason, at least having the reporter include a screenshot , that he have tried to communicate his discontent with the targeted clan of the report ? what do you think

I’m not in a temper tantrum , I’m just ill today and had nothing better to do that to read what’s happening here at the moment

Anyway it’s just disheartening to me to see the community always fight each other instead of having more altruism ( yet I understand that toxicity stains people , and it’s hard for them to stay open and genuine after having faced it so many times )

Theres 750 servers and you wont Will find one where It dont have space to build.

Almost all 750 are empty
the Siptah servers stay 0 online almost all days of the weeks.

A warning shall be given before ban Someone Because a fck Bridge ,a missed Foundation , a missed bonfire or Because you builded in a place you didnt know you cant build.

Yes, unfortunately, it does. Whether we like it or not, bridges are “land claim abuse”. Here’s the corroborating evidence:

When you follow that link, you’ll find this:

I apologize that I took it that way, that’s what it looked like to me.

Look, I get it, I really do.

I personally have very little sympathy, at this point, for people who don’t check the link to the rules that pops up every time you log in, do something the rules say you shouldn’t, and then come here to announce their departure.

I know I should be more empathetic, but I’ve seen way too many posts on these forums where someone acts in a blustering, demanding way, when they didn’t even bother to do the very minimum and read the damn rules, no matter how stupid those rules are.

I was one of the people who kept saying, “Well, okay, I get why people are upset when they don’t even know the rules exist or where to find them. Funcom should make sure to show the rules to players when they start playing or at least link to them.”

I kept repeating it on the forums and then one day they did it. Now the rules are there for everyone to read. And guess what? The goal posts shifted and now it’s “you can’t expect people to read the rules” and “there should be no rules at all”.

Fuсk. That.

If you show me a base that looks functional and doesn’t obviously break any of the rules and say you got suspended for it, then I’ll be right there with you to criticize Funcom for their lack of transparency.

But if you say “wHy DiD i GeT bAnNeD fOr BuiLdiNg a BriDgE”, here’s my reply:

If you think it’s a stupid rule, ask Funcom to change it. But if you break a rule just because you think it’s stupid, then you get the stupid consequences and that’s your fault.

That’s why I’m “not putting myself in the place of the person who lost more than 2000 hours in this game”, because they’ve had plenty of time to read the rules.

I think that wouldn’t really help solve anything.

For one thing, screenshots can easily be faked. If Funcom isn’t giving people warnings, they’re not likely to reach out and check whether the screenshot is true or not.

But more importantly, it wouldn’t help people avoid breaking the rules. A warning would help, because the player would be made aware they’re breaking the rules and given a chance to correct the situation. But even without a warning, Funcom could still help people learn how to avoid the rules by giving good, clear explanations for suspensions and bans, with pertinent details. Sure, you would lose your buildings, but you would have a chance to learn from your mistake and not repeat it and help others avoid it by telling them about it.

As things stand, you get suspended for “land claim abuse” and no one can ever explain why, unless you do something blatantly obvious, like building a bridge.

Sorry to hear that. And sorry if I overreacted. Like I said, it sounded like you were putting words in my mouth. Now that I know you weren’t, I apologize for my mistake.

That’s precisely it. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve seen people here double down when they’re clearly wrong. I just don’t have that patience or empathy anymore. I’m not @Barnes or @stelagel, they’re some of the few remaining gentle souls on these forums. I’m just a caustic bastard :stuck_out_tongue:


Every time I see this “argument”, I wonder if people will ever get tired of mindlessly parroting bullshіt.

For starters, have you even bothered opening the in-game server browser and just looking? Have you ever wondered if you’re just repeating a number someone pulled out of their ass?

Here’s a screenshot for you:

No, there aren’t 750 servers.

But even if there were, did you ever stop to think about what you were saying? Would you be okay if I told you “if you don’t like it on this European PVE server, go play on an Australian PVP server with a 300+ ping”?

Even if there were 750 servers in total, there aren’t 750 servers in your region for your game mode.

But hey, I guess it’s easier to say “if you don’t like it on this server, go find another one” than it is to say “if you don’t like playing by these rules, go find a server with different rules”.


well it’s true that those rules aren’t written correctly ( legally speaking ) or with any type of human psychology into it , if you say “strongly recommend not doing this” , and “usually they are considered landclaim”
Human brain thinks I’m in the exception where it isn’t because I’m doing it with respect for other players.
And you can’t blame them believing it since you left them the wiggle room to think it in the first place.

So I still believe it’s no admission of guilt and more of he thought ( like most people will in that case ) he was falling under the exceptions were it isn’t , even if I do understand people that argue it is. legally speaking it is not forbidden

another point I’d like to raise , is how well does the TOC page translate in your mother tongue ? because not all player speak english as well as we do. and to my knowledge there is only an english version.

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